ETI Inspection Report February 2025
Dear Parents,
Our inspection report was published yesterday on Please read the report, below.
We are very proud of its contents and whilst it is a lengthy read I hope that you will have time to peruse it.
I wish to drawn attention to a few key observations which we were very pleased about.
Re our wonderful children:
1. The children are creative, confident and resilient learners who achieve high standards in communication, using mathematics and digital skills, and who have well-developed thinking skills and personal capabilities.
2. The children are developing high level skills of problem solving, flexible and critical thinking.
3. The children are enthusiastic learners, who work confidently, both independently and collaboratively, sharing resources, negotiating, problem-solving, and persevering in their learning.
4. Writing across the school is of a very high standard, extended writing and poetry are of exceptional quality. An intense sense of pride is evident in the presentation of work, with consistently high standards of handwriting.
5. In mathematics and numeracy… skills are very well-developed.
6. Re Technology/ICT- With increasing confidence and competence, the children compose, code, animate, create content, collaborate, manage data, and store information using QR codes. Artificial Intelligence is being used creatively and responsibly by the children particularly in the drafting and editing process of creative writing, as well as for self and peer evaluation.
7. Across the school, children are provided with numerous opportunities to nurture their creativity and express their thoughts, emotions, and interpretations of the world. Whether through artwork, singing, music-making, or role-play, these activities allow children to communicate in diverse and meaningful ways, fostering a rich environment for artistic and personal expression
8. The children’s exemplary behaviour during the inspection and their respectful interactions with each other reflect further the school’s strong value system and positive learning culture.
Re our dedicated staff:
1. St Clare’s Abbey Primary School and Nursery Unit is at the heart of the local community. The school creates the right conditions for the growth and development of a vibrant community of learning
2. The learning and teaching throughout the school and nursery unit is of a high quality.
3. The highly skilled teachers interact intuitively with the children, use effective questioning to extend their thinking and encourage them to take risks in their learning, which in the children’s own words, help them to “become better thinkers by having a go”.
4. The pioneering and innovative play-based learning programme sparks the children's curiosity, encourages critical thinking. The school’s emphasis on and extensive provision of quality outdoor learning experiences has a positive impact on the children’s physical and mental health.
5. The school’s use of digital technology is sector-leading, providing extensive opportunities across the curriculum for the children to develop digital skills for life.
6. The special educational needs provision for the children in St Clare’s Abbey Primary School and Nursery Unit is unique, noteworthy and sector leading….and enables each child to overcome barriers and make measurable progress in their learning.
7. The whole school focus on prioritising the emotional health and wellbeing of all the children has been successful in the creation of a calm, welcoming environment where the children feel safe and well cared for.
8. The staff are responsive to the needs of the children and use a range of research-informed strategies and interventions eg Sunshine Room to help the children to recognise and articulate their feelings, manage their emotions and enhance their readiness to learn.
9. The rich nurture provision within “The Bloom Room”
10. The longstanding ECPD is an uplifting, inclusive environment that nurtures the children’s growth and independence while also challenging them academically. Every child is cherished and cared for to an exceptionally high standard.
And so, on that very happy note…….Thank you parents for your support throughout this inspection process. We hope that you are proud of your children and our great school.
Yours in partnership,
Mrs Monaghan
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175