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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


Welcome to Primary 3

In Primary 3 children have moved into Key Stage 1 and are building on the firm foundation developed in Primary 1 and 2.

Children are provided with opportunities to consolidate and build upon their previous learning experiences through a range of challenging and enjoyable lessons and activities.  We place emphasis on the development of personal, social and emotional skills while developing Literacy, Numeracy and academic skills.

We aim to develop children's self confidence, self esteem, problem solving and decision making skills whilst learning in a fun, safe and secure environment.

Our motto in Primary 3 is to strive to achieve our best whilst remembering to be kind, honest, gentle, generous, fair and hardworking.


Meet Miss Duffy's Class



20th Jun 2024
This fabulous young runner was awarded medals for running 3km! Amazing 🌟🌟
13th Jun 2024
The P3 children turned into scientists for the morning to investigate how rain is...
7th Jun 2024
The Primary 3 had a lovely afternoon at The Annual Teddy Bears Picnic. 
5th Jun 2024
Mrs Mc Keown / Miss Mc Coy’s class As a class we discussed the properties...

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