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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

The Bloom Room

The Bloom Room is a new room in our school where many of our children have had the opportunity to work, play and relax during the school day.

They have enjoyed activities such as cooking and baking in the kitchen area of the room as well as having the opportunity to sit, relax and have a chat in the living area of the room.

Many of our ‘Crack the Code’ winners had spent time in the Bloom Room as a reward for their hard work. 



3rd Jun 2024
The boys invited a friend from their base class down to The Bloom Room for an afternoon...
3rd Jun 2024
Parents of The Bloom Room pupils came for a coffee morning. We discussed the 5 steps...
29th May 2024
The Bloom Room This past week the children focused on the 'Connect' step of our...
8th May 2024
We are growing our own tomato plants from the seeds. We hope to take them home when...