Access Keys:

St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


January 2017 March 2017
Monday, 13th February 2017
P2 Literacy Workshop (2pm in Miss Mallon\'s classroom)
Wednesday, 15th February 2017
No School Mid Term Break
Thursday, 16th February 2017
No School Mid term Break
Friday, 17th February 2017
No School Mid term Break
Wednesday, 22nd February 2017
First Holy Communion Preparation Meeting (In Newry Parish Centre 7.30pm for all P4 Parents. Entrance from The Mall.)
Friday, 24th February 2017
Action MS Charity Walk 2017
Sunday, 26th February 2017
Peace Proms Concert (Bus will leave from the school)
Monday, 27th February 2017
Fairtrade Fortnight 2017
Tuesday, 28th February 2017
"Pancake Tuesday"

Please note dates and times are subject to change.