Menu from 17/2/25

Dinner and Lunch
We are no longer be able to accept cash for any payments in school including dinner money, clubs, trips or music sessions.
Payment must be made using the online payment system Teachers2Parents.
This means that you have the facility to make payments for all school expenses online with your debit or credit card, via the School Money app or at any local ‘Paypoint’ venue.
School dinners must be booked and paid for in advance of the day to allow our canteen staff to have correct numbers.
Free School Meals and lunches must also be booked. This can be done for a number of weeks in advance if you wish.
When booking please ensure that the + button is used. The choices will be added to your basket, then go to basket and hit PAY.
If you have booked lunches or free school meals there will be no charge. You must complete the "Pay" section to enable school staff to see what has been booked.
You will receive a confirmation email of what you have been booked.
It is very important that you check the menu if your child has an allergy
Dinners cost £2.60 per day or £13.00 per week.
Koszt obiadu to £2.60. Jesli Panstwa dziecko ma alergie, prosimy o kontakt ze szkola.
Specialna Dieta- Ponizszy Formularz Aplikcyjny musi zostac wypelniony.
"Special Diet" The Application Form Below Must Be Completed

The salad bar is available Monday-Thursday.
Bread is made daily in school.
Bread, potatoes, fresh fruit, yoghurt, milk and water are available everyday.
Hygiene Rating

St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175