Informing school about people who cannot collect your child.
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),
Based on updated Child Protection Guidance, we need to be informed if there is someone, especially one of your child’s parents, who is not allowed to collect your child due to a Court Order. If this is the case, please contact Mrs Donnelly (our Designated Child Protection lead)Mrs Toner or Mrs Monaghan immediately.
Thank you for your very necessary co-operation in this sensitive matter.
Drodzy Rodzice / Opiekunowie, Bazujac na zaktualizowanych wytycznych odnosnie ochrony dzieci, musimy byc poinformowani , jesli jest ktos, zwlaszcza jeden z rodzicow dziecka , ma zakaz odebrania dziecko ze szkoly z powodu nakazu sądowego . Jesli taka sytuacja ma miejsce, prosimy o natychmiastowy kontakt z Mrs Donnelly, Mrs Toner, lub bezposrednia ze mna. Dziękuje za, jakze niezbedna, wspolprace w tej delikatnej materii.
Mrs Monaghan
Attendance Information
Children are required by law to attend school.
An attendance of 85% or below throughout the year is a loss of 6 weeks education for a child which, in reality, means missing out on 6 or 7 topics across the Curriculum.
Please be aware that children’s attendance is not monitored by the school but by Education Authority’s Welfare Officer (EWO) on a monthly basis.
The parents / carers of children with 90% or less attendance usually receive a letter of concern from Mr Byrne.
Should attendance continue to be an issue, the EWO will become responsible for monitoring the future attendance of the pupil every month.
The EWO also monitors pupils who are persistent late comers or display a pattern of leaving school before class is over.
Parents should explain all absences to the Class Teacher verbally/by note or by St Clare’s Abbey Primary School Pro-forma Absence letter, which will be provided upon return to school.
Parents are expected to inform school about planned holidays during the school terms, however, please be aware that ALL HOLIDAYS taken during term time are considered UNAUTHORISED by the Attendance Officer.

School Attendance Matters
Children with additional educational needs
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Please Help Us keep These Children Safe
Vomiting or Diarrhoea
If your child is affected by vomiting or diarrhoea they should not return to school for 48 hours after the last episode. This is in accordance with Public Health Guidelines.

Child Protection
The health and safety wellbeing of our pupils is of paramount importance. As a School, we have a legal duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to have a Child Protection Policy which meets the requirements of the Department of Education.
It is important that all parents read this Policy.
Our Child Protection Policy is available on the School Website (About Us, Policies) where it can be read and downloaded if necessary.
If you have difficulty accessing the policy, please make contact with the school office and I will make a hard copy available to you.
Parents and pupils please remember that photographs taken in the school environment of children are not to be put on any social media sites.
We ask all parents and family members to respect this school rule. If this rule is not respected, the matter will be referred to our Board of Governors.
St Clare's Abbey is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.
We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites and at all time for children when using the internet.
Please visit our "Online Safety" page under ‘About Us’.
Zdrowie i bezpieczenstwo naszych uczniow maja dla nas pierwszorzedne znaczenie. Jako szkola, mamy prawny obowiazek ochrony i promowania dobrobytu dzieci oraz posiadania Przepisow Ochrony Bezpieczenstwa Dziecka, ktore spelniaja wymagania Departamentu Edukacji. Wazne jest, aby wszyscy rodzice przeczytali te przepisy. Nasze Przepisy Ochrony Bezpieczenstwa Dziecka sa dostepne na stronie internetowej szkoły (About Us, Policies), gdzie mozna je przeczytac i pobrac w razie potrzeby. Jesli masz trudnosci z dostepem do przepisow, prosze skontaktowac sie ze mne i udostepnie wersje drukowana.
Safety in our School Grounds
We remind parents of the need to drive carefully into the school grounds and to be aware of the school crossings. The school operate a ‘drop-off’ zone for pupils.
Parking is not allowed in school grounds and particularly not in the drop off zone or bus parking areas.
If you wish to accompany your child to the door please park carefully outside of school grounds. A crossing patrol is available on Courtenay Hill.
Mobile Phones
Policy on children's use of mobile phones in school:
We discourage pupils from taking phones to school, however, we appreciate that some parents need their child to take a phone to school to confirm home time arrangements etc. If this is the case, the following arrangements apply:
1. A letter must be sent to Mrs Monaghan explaining the circumstances.
2. The phone must be kept in the child's bag, switched off until home time. Important: pupils take phones to school at their own risk.
3. Pupils must not take photos with their phone, prior to arriving home / being collected.
4. Pupils must NEVER upload any messages or photos relating to school or fellow pupils to social networking sites.
We have had a recent instance of pupils uploading photographs taken in school to TikTok. We remind parents that primary school children do not meet the age restriction for the most popular social networking sites as advised in the ICT monthly newsletters sent home on Seesaw.

Parents please take note;
Smart watches or ANY device that has a camera or recording facility can not be taken into school unless agreed with Mrs Monaghan.
These devices may result in a CHILD PROTECTION / Online Safety Issues.
Please refer to the signed School/Parent ICT Agreement.
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175