St Clare's Abbey wants to support you as a parent or guardian.
If you need help or advice about your childs' learning please contact Mrs Monaghan, Mrs Donnelly or Mrs Toner SENCO.
If you have a genuine concern about your / any child please telephone Mrs Monaghan.
You can also speak to any member of the safeguarding team.
We have designated Mrs Donnelly to have specific responsibility for child protection.
In Mrs Donnelly’s absence, Mrs Toner, Mrs K Doherty, Mr Byrne, Mrs McGoldrick, Mrs Davey, Mrs Gallagher and Miss O’Shea Deputy Designated Teachers, will assume this responsibility.
Education Authority
If you have any queries in relation to special educational needs, you can contact the Special Educational Needs
Helpdesk on 028 9598 5960.

RISE NI works in partnership with all mainstream nursery and primary schools to support children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum.
The teams are made up of professionals who are trained to understand child development including social, emotional and behaviour development; speech, language and communication skills; gross and fine motor skills and sensory and visual perceptual skills.
RISE NI offers a child-centred collaborative approach that requires close working with schools, teachers and parents.
Parents and carers can access information and video’s using the RISE NI website.

People with dyslexia have many talents and are often extremely creative.
We are all different, so why in the world would we expect everyone to think and learn in the same way?

Dyslexia Support Produced by Education Authority
The Newsletters below have been created by the EA Literacy Service for parents to share with their children.
All about transition
Alphabet and dictionary work
National Autism Association

Encourage me.
Support me.
Never underestimate my mind.
I will reach milestones in
my own way
in my own time...

Newry Town Hall
Poniedzia ek 9.00 - 12.00, 13.00 –17.00 (bez umawiania)
Wtorek 14.00 – 19,00 (bez umawiania) Czwartek 12.30 – 17.30 (nale y sie umówi

hope and new
opportunity to
anyone afflicted or
affected by alcohol
and drug misuse.
community a targeted
response to suicide
and self harm and is
the leading suicide
prevention charity
in the area.
Useful Numbers
Home Start 028 3026 6139
Autism N.I 0845 055 9010
“Talking Autism” - The Crisis Cafe. 41 The Mall, Newry BT34 1AN Beside Newry Bus Station
Gateway Services 028 3741 5285
Newry Traveller Family Support 028 3083 4200
Childline 0800 11 11
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
The Anti-Bullying Network 0131 651 6100
Counselling Services
Samaritans 24 Hour Confidential Helpline 028 302 66195
Journey Together Ballybot House. 07841603659
Bridge of Hope; support for those experiencing stress, trauma or anxiety. 028 95438707
Curse offers support to family members with mental health issues. 028 87 784004
Self Harm Intervention 0755 338 4331
Southern Area Hospice Bereavement Programme 028 302 6771. The Newry walking group can be contacted on the same number or 028 8772 5236


Public Health Agency
Steps to deal with stress.
The Steps to deal with stress booklet provides tips and practical advice on coping with stress in your life and covers recognising stress, getting ready, coping better, learning from bad experiences and taking action now.
Simple steps such as relaxation exercises and talking to someone can help you feel better and put you in a better frame of mind for dealing with your problems.

St Clare's Abbey is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.
We recommend adult supervision for links to external sites and at all time for children when using the internet.
Please visit our "Online Safety" page under About Us.
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175