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I spent a few years in St Clare’s Abbey (I am now 18 years old)
I think of this school with huge nostalgia.
I wish I could turn back time and be there again just for a moment.
Thank you for making my school days carefree
I am exited to be starting P7 as I want to learn new exiting things!
I am excited to play football with my freinds
I am looking forward to the Christmas play and making my Confirmation. I hope to play Gaelic for the school team.
I cant wait to see what job I get
I am so happy I'm back with my friends
I'm so happy to be back and super excited for the Christmas play!
Best year ever!!! Happy to be back
I'm looking forward to the P7 Christmas play.
I am really happy to be back in school and very excited for the P7 year, especially to be a part of the Pupil Leadership Team.
I am so happy to be in P7 with all my friends
I love being back with my friends
I am excited to be back because I get to see all of my friends again.
I am happy to be at school with my friends and to play football in the yard.
I am happy to be back to school
I am looking forward to my last year as we have lots of fun things happening
I am very exited for my last year of primary school.
I am excited to be part of the pupil leadership team and am looking forward to the rest of my year with my teachers and friends.
I am excited for this school year and our school play and confirmation .
I can not wait for the chrismas play and confirmation. I am very excited to get my school levers jumper.
I am excited to be back with my friends to play football and play games.
I am looking forward to learning new topics in P7.
I am so excited to be the oldest primary in our school and I can't wait for the school play, it will be so fun.
I'm looking forward to doing the Christmas play and being part of the Pupil Leadership Team.
I feel great to be in P7.
I am looking forward to ICT work.
I’m in P7 and I hope I will have a good year.
Glad to be in Primary 7 with my best friends.
I am very happy to be back in school. I am going to have a good year, it is going to be fun.
The first day in P7 feels a lot different to any other year because I understand how important it is.
We have to work hard before leaving for secondary school.
Today is my first day in P7 and it's different from any other year. It is my last year in primary school.
I am looking forward to Confirmation, The pupil leadership jobs and the Christmas school play.
I am excited for primary 7 as we get to do the Christmas play and help as pupil leaders.
I am so excited for this school year and especially for our Confirmation day.
I am exited for primary seven because I will be making my confirmation. I will get a Pupil leadership job.
I am very happy to be back to school and exited for the P7 school play.
Glad to be in Primary 7 with my friends and classmates
I am very excited to be back to school. I have meet my friends and can’t wait to play in the yard with them.
It was good to see my past teachers. My new teacher is Mrs Mcparland, she is such a good teacher and so much fun.
I'm very excited to come back to school as it is my last year in St Clare's Abbey primary school.
I am quite nervous for the transfer test and Confirmation.
I'm looking forward to the P7 school play and to doing work on my chromebook.
I cannot control my excitement for this years school choir. I'm also so happy to be in P7.
In P7 today and exited for my confirmation.
Dear Mrs Monaghan
Thank you and all your staff for such a wonderful celebration of First Holy Communion it was so very special to us and the service was so beautiful with all the children involved. I most definitely had a few tears to hold back.
I can honestly say you have such an amazing school and we are honoured our children are a part of it.
Thank you for a wonderful Holy Communion celebration.
Good afternoon Mrs Monaghan
I just wanted to send a massive thank-you to yourself and your school community for the absolutely incredible fundraising you achieved for Alopecia UK. I really cannot believe it, please once again extend my massive appreciation!
It was so so heart-warming to hear that some children at St Clare's Abbey who also live with visible or physical differences felt able to share their conditions with their peers to promote understanding, they should all be hugely proud of themselves.
With overwhelming gratitude,
Dear St Clare’s Abbey
Many thanks for your contribution to our recent mass honouring St Brigid.
Sincere thanks to every student who coloured in a drawing of St Brigid. The artwork provided a most colourful and vibrant addition to our celebration.
Special thanks to the pupil, an excellent ambassador for your school , who read a prayer of the faithful.
Dear Mrs Monaghan,
Thank you for inviting us to attend the school assembly on Friday.
Mark and I were so impressed with Aidan and Lewis’ presentation, talking so accurately and confidently about their condition. Their research, preparation and delivery of the presentation was so impressive and a credit to themselves and the school.
Thank you again for enabling this to happen and for all your continued support.
Thanks, Jill
Good afternoon Mrs Monaghan,
Thank you again for the invitation to the assembly.
Kevin and I really appreciate everything you and all the staff do, educating, caring for and inspiring our sons on a daily basis. Today we are even more indebted to you.
I am still in awe of Lewis and Aidan, particularly having the confidence to deliver such an outstanding presentation on type 1 diabetes.
Thank you for providing them the platform and having such faith in them.
Many, many thanks,
A sincere thank you to Mrs Donnelly for allowing me to be a part of the parent consultation meeting on literacy policy and practice yesterday.
Getting to meet the present P7 literacy mentors was definitely the highlight. What wonderful ambassadors for their school and for literacy within learning.
The importance given to literacy in St Clare's Abbey and how it is embedded into all aspects of learning is a credit to all staff. The input from pupils is clearly a key factor in meeting the success criteria and developing that life long love for reading is taken very seriously.
Keep up the amazing work.
Dear Mrs Monaghan
Just to say I attended a Literacy Policy Meeting this morning facilitated by Mrs Donnelly I found this meeting very informative and comprehensive. There was alot of positive input and feedback from the parents in attendance. We were also introduced to the Literacy Mentors. What a great group of confident and articulate boys and girls! Very progressive for the school!
This is a really good school and the work is fun to do.
I am happy to be back to school after a long summer break.
I’m so happy to be back at school
I'm feeling good in P7. I feel happy to be back to school.
I am looking forward to football this year
It is a wonderful and bright school and I love it so much. The teachers are nice and good fun
It is a really good school and some of the work is fun.
I'm feeling good and very happy to be back with my school friends
I’m loving P7 so far. My friends are so nice and the staff are so helpful and kind to me.
I am happy to be back but sad that it is my last year:<
I am looking forward to the rest of P7 to see what work we will be doing and the fun things too.
I am very excited about this year in P7. So far I've loved it and have been happy playing football with my friends outside. I can wait for Halloween and the rest of P7
I am thinking it could be a tough year, but you never know! It could be the best year!!!
I look forward to doing the drumming lessons
I am so happy to be back to school with my mates and I love playing football with the lads again ;]
I am so glad to be able to catch up with my friends in school!
I am a little uneasy about the transfer test, but that is the only thing that I am not looking forward to.
I am feeling happy about everything else in P7
I feel awesome about coming back to school. I have made new friends
This school is really fun and I enjoy doing the jobs for the office. It’s brilliant and excellent.
It’s very good in P7, school is really fun
I’m glad to be back at school.
I looking forward to see what senior leaders jobs we get
I like primary 7 so far and I am looking forward to doing the transfer test.
I love P7 so far
I am feeling good about this year but a little shy. I am going to try my best with the subjects and believe in myself. I can do it Thank you Mrs Monaghan and have a nice year everyone.
The P6 classes were superstars, so articulate, such skilled, considerate reasoning
It was a pleasure working with the children and the teachers. The children were excellent.
Congratulations to Mr Fitzpatrick, the Eco Council and everyone who organised the Fairtrade break this week. It was a great reminder to us all. I will certainly be buying products with the Fairtrade label.
An amazing school filled with amazing teachers.
Thank you to everyone involved with Nursery Graduation. A lovely afternoon.
Congratulations on your retirement Mr Sweeney. It was lovely to see you at the P7 leavers Mass.
Well done to all involved in organising the wonderful Sports Day.
It was great to see the children enjoying a wide variety of activities, and the sense of team spirit was clearly evident.
Great morning enjoyed by all!
Thank you to Mr Byrne, Mr Clarke, Mr Fitzpatrick and all the staff who worked hard to prepare the children for their First Holy Communion.
It was a beautiful mass and you all made it a special day for the children and their families. The singing was wonderful.
Thank you to the Primary seven teachers and staff for a beautiful Confirmation ceremony.
It was a very special occasion.
Warmest Regards
Marie-Therese, Roisin & Elizabeth
Conor had a great time at his Confirmation yesterday. He enjoyed all the preparation for such a special day.
The mass was beautiful and the children were brilliant.
A credit to the teachers and staff involved.
St Clare’s Abbey boys and girls, I absolutely love your photographs, showing how you are growing from all your hard work. You are very lucky and lovely children and your parents are very, very good to you. Remember to say thank you to them for all the lovely opportunities they give you to grow.
Congratulations to Evan on your trampolining success. Thank you so much for being an excellent ambassador for St Clare’s Abbey. You are a champion.
Congratulations to Miss Evie Mc Caughey, I loved your ‘ 2 minute tale’ and am so proud that a St Clare’s Abbey girl, reached the finals of this Radio Ulster competition. Such an achievement, well done Evie!
The Nursery Big Bedtime Read sounds wonderful. I know that our nursery boys and girls and some big brothers and sisters enjoyed the October one- the photographs were gorgeous! I am sure that the December one will be very exciting also. You are such lucky ducks- enjoy! Thank you to our devoted Nursery team.
Thank you to the very generous members of Barcroft Community Centre, for the wonderful gifts they gave to us. The mud kitchen and play bus are really lovely. Your generosity is hugely appreciated.
Summer camp was a wonderful experience for everyone. Sincerest thanks to our co-ordinator Miss Duffy, and her team for providing the pupils with such fun filled and highly appropriate activities.our school was alive with the sound of happy children.
P4 boys and girls, how beautiful you and your families look in the lovely First Holy Communion photographs. It was a very special day.
To our First Communicants, I have loved seeing your photographs. They are a lovely reminder of a truly special day that I know you will cherish for the rest of your lives. I am so proud of you all.
We are really enjoying participating in ‘Take 5 Steps to Well-being Week’, such a wonderful initiative to encourage the children to go outside and enjoy the lovely weather.
Oh boys and girls, I have just been looking through your photographs showing me how you stay happy and well. They are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing them.
How lovely to have all our boys and girls back with us. School feels so good 😊 again.
love the ‘Steps to Well being’ section on the website. It contains so many beautiful ideas, I am going to get working on some of them. We are all very, very precious and God really wants us to take care of ourselves. We are his most wonderful creations.
It was lovely to see the recent pictures from home, the ‘fun in the snow' photographs were gorgeous and those pancakes looked DELICIOUS! Thank you for sending them.
Congratulations everyone, we have made it through a very challenging first term. We really worked together and supported each other. St Clare’s Abbey is a wonderful school because of our pupils, families and staff. Have a very special Christmas, it is very much needed and deserved.
I'm so sad to leave St Clare's Abbey but I can't wait to met new friends. It's all just a part of life.
I'll miss all my primary school friend.
I honestly can't believe my girls are leaving I'm so sad about that but they have had 8 fantastic years with you and have made so many great friends.
I wish all the P7 children all the best for the future in their new schools they will have a great time.
I was thrilled to spend the day today with children and staff (including the two caretakers) in the Nursery and Foundation Stage of your wonderful school. It was inspiring to see how creative and critical thinking is developing through authentic experiences and high quality play, especially outdoors, enabled by thoughtful planning and skilful interaction. Of most significance for me was the high level of understanding of how physicality underpins development in every area, laying the firm foundations required for both future wellbeing and academic success.
Thanks so much for such an energising day!
Hello everyone
I loved this school so much and really miss it
I’m in first year now but would love to be in St Clare's Abbey again.
Have a great St. Patrick’s day!☘ï¸
Hello All Students & Teachers of St Clare's Abbey Primary School. As you know Zuzanna Stelmach was a pupil of your school for 3 years. We moved back to Poland during the summer 2019. At the moment Zuza is in a bilingual school. She misses her Irish school and friends a lot.. We hope to meet you again one day.
The special and magical time of the year is coming and Zuzanna and her new class would like to send you wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
My Uniform from this school is still sitting here as a reminder of my fond memories of being at this school.
To all our pupils who sat the GL Entrance Exam, I was delighted to hear from the supervisors at Sacred Heart school that your behaviour was exemplary throughout the morning. I would expect no less from such a hard working and respectful group of children, but it was lovely to hear how ell you represented us. You are fabulous and I know that you have all done your very best. I am proud of you!!!!!!
Congratulations to all our wonderful boys and girls who travelled to Belfast yesterday to sing as part of The Children In Need 2019 Super Choir. You were amazing and I am so, so, so PROUD of you! You were fabulous St Clare's Abbey ambassadors.
To listen to the Super Choir sing "True Colours" use the link below.
I am happy to be back at school and to see all of my friends. I think it is going to be a great year as I will learn lots of new things!
I am really happy to be back at school because I get to learn new things every week and see my friends!
It is really fun to see my friends and play with them after the summer holidays. I am so happy to be in this school. You make so many friends here!
It is so nice to be back in my old school. I have had a super 1st week! It feels great! Everyone remembered me and it feels like I never left!
Congratulations to all the boys and girls from P7 who have now left St Clare's Abbey. Your final day was just beautiful.
Such a great bunch of friends, we hope you will continue to be the good friends you always have been during your seven years together.
God bless the entire staff who assisted our children through their school days, you are all Angels.
Thank You
The Quinn family
Congratulations and thanks
Mrs Monaghan, Mr Sweeney and Mrs Doherty
Congratulations to everyone for achieving your RRS Silver Award and a sincere thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality during the assessment yesterday. I enjoyed my visit enormously and it was a pleasure chatting to the children and adults of your school community. Please pass on my sincere thanks again to everyone who took part in yesterday's assessment visit. Your report will follow shorty.
Regards Niki McQuillan
Assessor/Trainer unicef UK
HMRC Volunteers - 22nd May 2019 Junior Tax Facts Session.
Mrs Monaghan
We would like to thank you for welcoming us into your lovely school yesterday and to also thank you for your hospitality. It was a great pleasure for us to deliver a Junior TAX FACTS session to the boys and girls in P7. The interaction and support from both Miss Mc Coy and Mrs McParland was greatly appreciated and made our job a lot easier. St Clare's Abbey Primary School was the first school in the Newry and Mourne area to receive our Junior Tax Facts lesson and we were very surprised at how much the boys and girls knew about tax and how enthusiastic they were to get involved in the learning activities.
It was a pleasure for us and a great opportunity to engage with both your staff and students and we hope that we can continue this throughout the next school year.
Yours Sincerely Sandra, Brian, Eddie and Roisin
Huge thankyou to everyone who made going back up to school after Holy Communion such a lovely treat . Such a lovely atmosphere.
Thankyou to Mr Byrne and Mr Clarke for all the hard work involved in making Saturday such a very special day. It was a beautiful mass and the singing was wonderful. Such a great school.
Mrs Monaghan I just want to thank you and your amazing staff for the beautiful day yesterday. For all the work Mr Byrne, Mr Clarke and Mrs Byrne ( and no doubt many others) put in preparing the children for their very special day. To Miss Mallon and her stunning choir.
The welcome we received back at the school and the warm and friendly staff who looked after us. The atmosphere in the church and school was beautiful, and my entire family commented on what a lovely occasion it was and how they were made to feel so warmly welcomed by you and your staff.
Dear Mrs Monaghan Shane and I would like to sincerely thank you, Mr Sweeney and the staff who prepared and assisted Ethan and all the P7 children on Friday evening through another very important milestone in their lives, the receiving of the Holy Spirit.
The ceremony was beautiful, spiritual and very reverent. All the hard work and commitment from all involved made every moment in the ceremony very special. We felt very proud as parents of Ethan to share this memorable occasion with our family and friends.
Yours Sincerely
Carol Murphy
Happy Easter to the staff and students of St Clare's Abbey from Poland.
We miss you all.
Thank you very much for the invitation this afternoon to see the boys and girls of the Chamber Choir performing their songs from the School Choir of the Year. It was lovely to see them today and they all should be very proud of their achievement in the competition and Miss Mallon & Mr Clarke too.
A great morning at Newry Feis watching all the P4s and the children from the ECPD unit singing. I really enjoyed their singing. Well done!
Dear Mrs Monaghan & P5 Team
Thank you to all involved in the P5 Grandparents' Assembly during Catholic Schools' Week.
Romily and her sisters have been so lucky to have love and wisdom from my parents which is evident everyday to the girls. It was really special to have their role as grandparents recognised and celebrated in such a lovely way within the school community.
My mum said she always feels such warmth on her visits to St Clare's Abbey. To quote mum "The wee young teachers" were to be congratulated for having the children so well versed and as always, impeccably behaved.
Romily was delighted to be able to include a photograph of her other granny who sadly passed away.
My parents felt the assembly for Catholic Schools' Week was truly an uplifting afternoon.
Yours Sincerely
Shannon Haughey
Well done to all the boys and girls and their teachers and assistants who took part in the Peace Proms in RDS Dublin. I hope they all enjoyed the experience as much as we did!
It was a brilliant show and in front of President Higgins too.
Congratulations to the two P4 classes on the work that they have done in the forest, this year so far. The teamwork impressed me so,so much!
Our Nursery boys and girls have had a very busy start to the year. I am sure that the birds â¤ï¸ the bird cake!
Just finished watching the P7 Christmas performance. It was excellent, well done to all the children and the staff involved.
I was not able to see it on the day so it was great to see it on the website. Congratulations again
Hello, this is Mr. D from Colorado, USA. Our class will soon be blogging with Mrs. McParland's class, so I thought I would check out your school. Looks like a wonderful school with lots of fun learning going on!
I love my new school but I miss St Clare's Abbey so much.
Happy Christmas
I had a lovely day at Alice The Musical. My favourite character was the Cat who was telling the story because it was well explained.
It was a fab day . I liked Alice . It was a good day at Alice in wonderland the mucical
I had a fab day at the theatre watching Alice The Musical. It inspired me to use my voice more and I would love to watch it again. I told my mum how exciting it had been and she said I was so lucky to get a treat like that.
We went to see a musical and it was realy good, it was Alice in a wonderland my favourite character was the bunny because she was very funny.
The school took us to a musical. I had a great day. The show was great.
I loved Alice out of all the characters. When I got home I said to my mum could I go and watch it because it was the best show ever.
That was my first musical. Now I what to watch more musicals.
Thank you
The Choir went to see Alice the musical in Belfast. It was really funny and I would love to go to another one. My favourite character was the Inventor because he was really funny and I liked the way he acted.
Congratulations to P4 pupils who received First Confession last Friday. It was a very holy and happy day. I was so proud of each and every one of you!!! You are GREAT!
Well done to Mr Sweeney and all the boys and girls who led the Anti bullying assembly- a very important message. The YouTube videos were VERY powerful.
A huge thank you to everyone involved in the The Parental Engagement course that took place. Such a fantastic opportunity to engage with professional women about education . Will be attending more of these meetings as I had such wonderful insight and understanding on how to approach my kids homework more positively and constructively. Such fun was had aswell! Superb!!
Congratulations to everyone on The Rights Respecting School committee. I am so impressed by all your hard work. You are explaining the articles to the rest of us so so well, I find myself really thinking about each article now and what it means to us in our school. That is very, very important. Thank you so much. Mrs Monaghan.
Brilliant insight in to Dyslexia
Thank you to everyone involved in the wonderful Curriculum Night. My children are very lucky to attend a school with such passionate teachers and caring assistants. It was a credit to all involved.
I am in P7 seven now and my brother is in 1st year and we want to ask you all to pray for my auntie, she had a heart attack a couple of days ago.
Thank You
Hard to believe nearly 5 years ago I left St Clare's. St Clare's will always hold a special place in my heart. It's where I spent majority of my life so far. Amazing memories that will live on forever. So nice to look at St Clare's Abbey website.
I have just finished P7 and now I am moving on...
I just want to say thank you to all the all the staff, you have been a huge help over the past 7 years.
I have had the best school experience ever and I am proud to say that I went to ST CLARE'S ABBEY!!
Thank you. It has been an absolute pleasure!!!
A lovely introduction to the school today for the new P1 classes. Looking forward to September!
I am going to miss St Clare's Abbey.
Thank you Miss Mc Coy for helping me and thank you to all the staff for the amazing help you gave me.
Today was my last day I will miss this school. Thanks for all the staff that helped me!
Good luck to the P7 classes moving to high school this year and I hope they like their new classes. :)))))) -)))) Enjoy your summer. Be safe
Dear Mrs Monaghan & Staff
Thank you so much for such a beautiful day, the mass was just lovely, it was a credit to yourselves and Fr Kristoph. It was obvious that a lot of hard work went into co-ordinating the children and making sure it all ran smoothly.
The choir were absolutely beautiful, Oliver's granny, who travelled up from Limerick for the day, could not compliment them more highly.
Thank you again, it was a momentous day for Oliver and our family and with the help of the whole school community it was made very special.
I am so proud of all the pupils who took part in our autism awareness workshops in St. Clares Abbey. You were so co-operative and willing to take part in all the challenges set out on the day.
I truly hope you all enjoyed the experience.
Thank you to all the teachers for facilitating the workshops which ensured its successes. I hope you all now have a bigger understanding of autism and how it affects my sons daily life.
Thank you all Carla and Cara.
I am so proud of our 'Fire side Singers,' ' Chamber Choir', 'Main Choir' and 'Music Ensemble.'I have had a lovely time listening to your music and am delighted that I can listen again and again, now that it is on the website. You fill our school with joy and I am so thrilled that you are sharing your talent so generously.
Thank you to Miss Mallon, Mr Clarke, Miss O Shea, Mr Byrne, Mr Digney and the wonderful music tutors for all their hard work.
Thanks so much for putting the fireside video on the website Well done to all !!
Congratulations to all the children who took part in Newry Feis this past few weeks and to their teachers for all their hard work. It was wonderful to watch the choirs this morning and to hear the very positive feedback they received on their performances. Brilliant work Miss Mallon & Mr Clarke- you should be very proud of your dedication and hardwork.
Thank you Miss Mallon and Mr Clarke for preparing the choir for the feis! Everyone had a great time. I enjoyed listening to all the great things the adjudicator had to say about us. It was so great winning 1st place after winning two 2nds.
Our children on Friday were not just a credit to us parents but they were a credit to St Clare's Abbey. Confirmation was lovely😊 all the children from the readers to the singers & the choir (fabulous) Thank you Mrs Mc Parland & Miss Mc Coy, classroom assistants & all the school staff. We were, and are very proud parents 😊
Congratulations to our P2/3 team, who enjoyed a great game against St Ronan's today. To win was a great bonus and shows that all the training has paid off!!!!
To all the members of our music ensemble, you are working hard on your feis preparations and your piece is coming together beautifully. I can't wait to see you on stage. Keep up the good work!
It is my last year in St Clare's Abbey and I will miss this school very much after I leave.
Dear Michelle McParland,
Thank you very much for your students' beautiful Christmas cards and wishes! We hope you receive our cards soon. Thank you for cooperation on eTwinning project.
We wish you all the best at Christmas and through the New Year 2018.
Anna and Marzena from Białystok in Poland PS.
Welcome to our school website https://sp43bialystok.edupage.org/album
I really love St Clare's Abbey. I am so sad that it is my last year at primary school.
Thank you all of the staff who had helped me through these years especially Miss Mc Coy and Miss kelland.
Being in primary school for 7 years feels so long but time just flies! I am really going to miss St Clare's Abbey and I am going to remeber all the fun memory's and school trips we all had.
Thanks to all the teachers and members of staff especially to my teacher Mrs McParland and my classroom assistant Mrs Mc Cartan
The first 3 months of P7 have been amazing and our teacher Mrs McParland is so nice.
The jobs are really fun and I love my job as a Playground Pal.
The transfer test on Saturday was a bit hard.
I was nervous at the start, but once I got into it I was fine.
I am glad I did it.
We all did the transfer test on Saturday 18 November. I found it fun.
After the tests we went to Warrenpoint and had a fun day.
I loved our trip to the Parish Centre for the P7 retreat. I had so much fun today.
For the P.6s I know the transfer test is a worrying thought but I advise you to just try and see it through.
You will really NOT regret it!!!
This message is to any P6 pupil starting to do the transfer test:
You will love doing it and when it is over you will be happy that you faced it and be glad you did your best.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very glad that the transfer test is over. Thank you Mr Sweeney, Mrs Monaghan, Mrs McParland and Miss McCoy for all your help.
So far this year, it’s been so brilliant. I love the maths and I love literacy. I have become the king of multiples.
P7 has been a really good so far. :)
Dear boys and girls, I have just had the loveliest time looking at the photographs of all your work in September and October. You have had a very busy first half term. I am so happy with you!!!!
I love this school. I really wish I could stay longer my last year in St Clare's Abbey.
So far P7 is great and I am so excited for the year ahead.
Last year was amazing so I hope this school year will be fantastic for everyone.
Good luck new P7's and everyone who is moving into their new classes.
The last day in St Clare's Abbey was just amazing.
Thank you all the staff and teachers who helped everyone on their way up through the school.
I attended a wonderful Nursery Graduation on Friday and it was a credit to Mrs Bennett and her Nursery team. My son thoroughly enjoyed his Nursery year and gained a wealth of knowledge and experiences. Many thanks for all your hard work.
I want to thank all of the staff in St Clare's Abbey for helping me over the years. I made lots of new friends. I am so glad I went to this school because it has made me into the person I am, so Thank you.
Today I spent my last day in St Clare's Abbey. I have so many fond memories which I can always look back on. I will miss my fantastic teachers and everyone who guided me through my school years. Even though I will be moving to secondary school, I will always be a St Clare's Abbey girl.
Im really going to miss St.clare's Abbey when I leave tomorrow. I have really enjoyed the past two years in the St.Clare's Abbey new building and I'm going to miss all the teachers and staff.
I wish I could stay longer.
Thank you, goodbye.
Thanks to all involved in organising the official opening of the school today. As a past member of staff it was lovely meeting up with 'old' friends and encouraging to see that the new school comprises of such a strong team. It was obvious that a lot of hard work had gone into the planning of the event. A special thanks to the catering staff who produced a delicious meal worthy of the best eating establishment. Congratulations to everyone.
Oh my goodness, how wonderful the P1 trip appears to have been. I would have loved a trip in the bumble bee ride. Lucky you!!!!
COMPELLING. What every parent needs to know. Log onto Waynedenner.com NOW.
Congratulations to Mr Byrne and the Eco Council on achieving our second 'green flag.' You are wonderful and care so much about making our school eco friendly!
Many thanks to the school for providing a very informative session by Wayne Denner last night. The area of E-Safety is constantly changing and it was great to be updated on this topic. Thank you.
I have just returned home following a fabulous presentation by Wayne Denner on e-safety. Very informative session for children and parents on effective ways to enjoy the internet safely. The digital leaders from St. Clare's Abbey were equally brilliant. Well done to Miss Rocks and Mrs McParland for organising a great evening.
My husband and myself attended last nights e-safety event, we were shocked when we realised that we knew so little about available apps in comparison to our children. We are extremely grateful that St Clare's Abbey PS hosted this event and have already updated our internet parental controls, and took onboard advice about apps and what to look out for.
Many thanks for hosting this very informative evening.
Kathleen and Johnny McAteer
Many thanks to the Digital Leaders for their wonderful E-Safety presentation. I can see why Saint Clare's Abbey P.S. was awarded Digital School status with their expertise and knowledge! Wayne Denner provided plenty of 'food for thought' for parents of young children.
Thank you to Mrs Monaghan, Miss Rocks and Mrs McParland for organising and hosting the E-Safety evening.
Fantastic seminar tonight on e-safety. Wayne Denner highlighted the dangers facing our young people today, while using Internet. He also gave invaluable advice on things we can do to safeguard our children. Everyone should hear this man speak. Thank you to Mrs Monaghan, Mrs McParland, Miss Rocks and the fantastic digital leaders from St. Clare's Abbey for hosting this seminar.
Thank you Mrs Monaghan and staff for hosting an E Safety evening with Wayne Denner. Such an informative seminar. Thanks Wayne for passing on to parents/guardians and children all your excellent knowledge and expertise on E Safety.
My husband, mother and I attended the concert and we absolutely loved it. It was such an experience for the girls. They felt so important been such an integral part of the afternoons events. I felt the conductor was so pleasant and children friendly. It was a worthwhile experience and I felt it brought culture into the lives of our children.
Miss Mallon and the staff of St Clare's Abbey have a lot to be proud of, as have we as parents. I hope the next time is as good an experience!!
Again, very well done.
Cathy Mallie, Rachel and Grace's mum
Thank you so much to the staff, particularly Miss Mallon, who once again, have given Emily such an amazing opportunity with her participation at the 2017 Peace Proms.
It was such a wonderful experience for her and all the other children, which I'm sure they'll treasure. We had such a magical time and enjoyed being transported back to the 90s with the the Orchestra's 'dance mix', which was especially arranged for the mammies and daddies.
Children, you were superb and a credit to your School.
I would love to share my thoughts and views on the Peace Proms. Well really what can I say!!!
It was spectacular from the moment it started, building all the time to an amazing end. The work from within the school to behind the scenes and organisation must have been a huge task but looked to have come together without any problems.
I was so proud Emma was apart of it all as it will be a memory for her forever. She absolutely enjoyed it all and was also very proud to be a part of the Peace Proms.
I hope the staff are proud of themselves as you have done a wonderful job with all the children.
Thank you for entering the school so they all could experience such special event.
The peace proms concert on Sunday was the best concert we have ever been to.
The pupils of St Clare's Abbey I'm sure will never forget being part of this very special experience. I'm sure like all the other parents that had children taking part they were full of pride and gratitude that St. Clare's Abbey had given their children the chance to be involved in a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Thankyou Miss Mallon and all of the staff that helped to give us such great memories that will never leave us.
Brilliant concert at the peace proms in Belfast. Well done to all the children and the staff of St.Clare's Abbey for making it such a special day.Thank you 😊
Fabulous afternoon at the Odyssey The Peace Prom concert. Well done St Clare's Abbey, Miss Mallon and all the children. I hope it will be on again next year.
What a great day at the SSE arena on Sunday at the Peace Proms 2017.
Thank you to all the children and the staff for the huge effort-it was inspirational!
Our school is the best. I loved Sunday I was so excited at the Peace Proms Concert
Thank you to the teachers
To the pupils, parents and staff of St. Clare's Abbey Primary School
Many thanks for the i movie, cards, well wishes and gifts to celebrate my new job. I have had a fabulous time at St. Clare's Abbey and will think of it often as I venture into the next chapter of my life.
Thank you for your support 😊.
We would like to say a big well done to our digital leaders for their brilliant work on Safer Internet Day. The staff and pupils were impressed by your presentations and 'Techno' was a big hit. We are very proud.
Thank you to all the children who have sent us in 'News From Home' projects. I think that you are very very lucky and I really loved seeing what you are up to when you are not in school.
I am really proud of my 'News from Home' project and I am so happy that Mrs Monaghan liked it. 😄😃ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
We found out yesterday that Mrs Donnelly is getting a new job! Congratulations!
I enjoyed Christmas week in St Clare's Abbey Primary school. Happy new year everyone.
I really enjoyed taking part in the mass on Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to next year.
Thank you Mrs Donnelly and Mrs Mc Coy for organising the wonderful Christmas Mass!
Thank you Mrs.McParland and Mrs.McVeigh for your time and efforts on our P7 Nativity play. Congratulations to all the other class on their Christmas celebrations.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
I really enjoy the new school and I absolutley lOVE Mrs Donnelly she is the best teacher I have ever had!!! Thank you Mrs Monaghan and Mrs Donnelly for helping me all through this year with you I wish I could stay at St.Clares Abbey forever :) But sadly I can't, Sorry for this really long comment. Thank you for everything!!
I can't believe I'm in primary 6 but I love it and I love the new school.
Mrs Donnelly is a really good teacherðŸ˜
Thank you to all the teachers who helped with the transfer
Good luck to all P6's😀😀😀
To our digital leaders, how proud Miss Rocks and I were of you all at the 'I Teach' day in W5 on Friday 28th October. You were wonderful ambassadors for St Clare's Abbey as you were so well behaved, beautifully dressed in your perfect school uniforms and so interested in all the fabulous apps that you had the chance to work with. Well done, you are really great!!!!!
Dear Children, what an amazing day you all had in school on Friday 28th October. Your Halloween costumes were fabulous and the scary platters of fruit in each of your classes looked incredible. You are very, very lucky.
I can't be live that I am P7.
I love my new teacher Mrs McVeigh.
It feels like I only started school yesterday.
P6 is brilliant and Mrs Donnelly is a class teacher.
I really enjoy school and literacy is my favourite subject.
I love our new school thank you for making it for us.
I can't believe that I am in p7 it feels like yesterday that I was a p1.
Mrs Donnelly's class is brilliant so far! I also wish that all the children who have been chosen for Eco council this year have a great time. It is a great opportunity. I was Eco council last year and I had a great time planting trees and picking up litter with the litter pickers.
Dean is now a P5 pupil,enjoying school and has great respect for his teacher Mr Digney.
I can't believe I'm already settled in my new P6 class after the summer holidays
I loved the first day of school it was amazing and I have a very talented teacher, Mrs Donnelly.
The summer holidays were fantastic and so was the first day back at school.
This year I attended the Down Michaela Camp, it was held in our new school and it was the perfect place for it because of its amazing facilities.
We have had a once in a life time year. Thank you to everyone who contributed so much to its success. Now have a lovely and very well earned summer break.
Well done to all the Primary 5, 6 and 7 children for taking part in the Guinness World Record for the Largest Reading Lesson. You were all fantastic. The news is in that we have helped to break the record....more than 4000 children were reading simultaneously on Friday 24th June. Well done! Many thanks to Mrs Mc Parland, Miss Duffy, Mrs Mc Shane and Mrs Duffy who acted as official stewarts and witnesses. Our certificate will follow 😊
I had a lovely tour around the Nursery yesterday - wonderful facilities and such a welcoming environment. I know Conor will have a great year with Mrs Bennett and her team.
I was in P7 this year and I am so sad that my amazing journey in St. Clare's Abbey has come to an end.
I will miss everyone who was a part of my time in primary school!
My goodness, you have all had such wonderful school trips this year. The animals in the P2 photographs looked so cute. The P3 pupils have obviously learnt so much about the habitats of mini beasts, you must be experts now. Finally P7s I would have loved your trip, especially the zip wire, I am so disappointed that I missed it. I am sure that you all thanked your parents and teachers for such lovely experiences. Lucky you!!!!!
Love the new school 🙂
Love are new school
To all our Nursery children, haven't you had a very busy time recently? I wishe that I was in your class. You now know all about the jobs of the dentist, hairdresser, nurse and a mummy!!!!!!
The photographs of the sponsored walk are great and show that you all had a great time. Thank you for all the sponsorship money you raised to pay the bill for our soft play surface. You are great children and work so hard to help your school. Thank you
A privilege to attend the Edmund Rice Awards on the site of the new school. All of the children were wonderful - Parents, teachers, school community should be so proud.
I was delighted to be present at the Edmund Rice awards ceremony in the beautiful new St. Clare's Abbey school. The projects undertaken by the four schools were inspiring and extremely well presented by all. Every good wish for your new school.
Today's celebration of the power of children was inspirational and such a pleasant morning.
The Edmund Rice Awards was an absolutely wonderful experience.
Great to visit your new school and to be present at the Edmund Rice awards. A very uplifting experience. All the best for the rest of the school year.
A wonderful day in a wonderful school. I was very impressed with the pupils manners.
A smashing day for everyone! Thanks so much.
I liked everything about the awards!!!
It was very good and entertaining; I would love to come back next time!
I liked the poem!
I liked the Granny.
I enjoyed all of the singing!
I loved the fanmade 7 years old at the Edmund rice awards.
I liked the play at the Edmund Rice awards.
I thought that the Edmund rice awards were very entertaining!
The new school is the best school in the universe.
Well done to all the Primary 6 girls who attended St. Mary's High School to take part in a technology workshop. I was so proud of you all. You are such a special group of girls. The staff from St. Mary's were very impressed by you all. A big thank you to the staff from the Technology department at St. Mary's for a fantastic day.
Thank you so much Mrs Donnelly for taking all the P6 girls to St.Marys today for technology.
It was the best day ever THANK YOU!!!!!
I would just like to say how much I love the new school .
Thank you to all the workers for building this amazing new school for all the St. Clare's Abbey pupils.
I really like our new school very much
Dear Children
I have just spent the loveliest hour looking at all the photographs of your March celebrations. What a busy month it was filled with fun and lots of interesting work. You are very lucky and I think that you are all great! Remember to thank your teachers and classroom assistants for organising such exciting ways for you to get to know our new school!
I want to commend the Primary 6 and 7 children for their exemplary behaviour and reverence at the Chrism Mass in Newry Cathedral on Holy Thursday. I was so proud of you all. Well done. You represented our lovely school so well.
School looks outstanding.
A big thank you to all the staff.
Good luck to everyone.
Outstanding spectacle.
Very privileged children to have the benefit of such surroundings and a staff completive like no other.
Congratulations to all involved with this immensely successful project!
Well worth the wait. very impressive. I'm delighted that my daughter is a pupil in this fantastic school.
A beautiful building. Wishing you all many years of fruitful teaching in such fantastic surroundings.
Such a fabulous new school building. Wishing all the staff and children many happy years enjoying the lovely new facilities.
Beautiful building. Really like the stained glass windows of St. Clare and Brother Edmund Rice.
Good luck for the future.
Everyone should feel extremely proud to be a part of this fantastic school.
Many thanks to all the staff for going the extra mile showing true dedication.
Enjoy this wonderful place of learning.
Beautiful building and surroundings. The children will be very fortunate to attend this lovely school.
Fabulous school - well done to everyone especially all the staff - It's a credit to you all!
Fabulous new school and staff and helpers have done a great job. The children will love it.
Amazing to see such a bright inviting school through a lot of time and effort put in by the staff. The children are very lucky to be starting a new journey in a fabulous new school.
Lovely school.
Totally amazing achievement, stunning school.
Amazing job done by all school staff and leadership!
wonderful new school good luck xx
Fantastic job! lovely building congratulations!
Lovely new school well deserved. Good luck xx
Wonderful new school.
Lovely School. Great design.
What a fabulous school. Good luck in your new home!!!
Fantastic..... I'm speechless!!!
I love the new school.
I think the school is great.
I can't wait to start in my new school.
I think the school is great.
Can't wait to start!!!
I think the school is fab!!!
I think the school is amazing!!!
School and our classroom........FAB!!!
Beautiful, sunny school..... good luck!!!
Fantastic!!! Best wishes for your first day.
Absolutely beautiful.
I think the school is amazing.
The school is cool.
I think this school is awesome.
This is the best school ever!!!
I think the school is epic.
Its such a lovely place. Congratulations to all the staff and pupils on the new building.
Congratulations on such a monumental task.
Beautiful school, a lot of thought has went into the new build. Best of luck for the future.
Fantastic school.
Makes me want to be a pupil again.
Best of luck.
Absolutely beautiful school. Best wishes for the future.
What a fantastic school, so much light coming through.
Very inviting for the children.
What a wonderful room, fantastic learning opportunities.
Very well deserved for the hardworking teachers and assistants.
Very impressed, the school is lovely. Nursery is fantastic, lots of rooms and lovely laid out. Bright and colourful.
School is fantastic, love the nursery, very compact, cosy and safe. Erin will really enjoy it.
The school is fantastic. The nursery is gorgeous and the separate rooms will make for a much calmer atmosphere.
Words could not describe how impressed I am at this fantastic school. Well done to all concerned.
Bright, airy and colourful, the potential for fun and learning is parable.
A fabulous place for all little ones to grow.
Thanks so much to the amazing nursery staff.
What a fantastic new school. Good luck with it all, the children will love it!!
Fabulous location, excellent facilities and equipment.
Well thought out and love the bathroom areas.
Ohh to be 3 again!!
Good luck to all the staff in the new chapter.
Really lovely, very pleased.
An amazing new school. Full of new and exciting opportunities for all our children's future. Best wishes
Beautiful place! Isabella cant wait to go to her new school.
Such a fantastic school, full of warmth, light and state of the art classrooms.
Best of luck to all in the new school.
Great new school. Good luck.
Amazing - The little house is really good!. I love the cups, because they have hearts on them.
Great new school. Best wishes. The children will love it!
Fantastic new school, even though the School is new it has a familiar feel to it. The children will feel at home here. Can't wait till Monday!
Well deserved new building that excels as much as the wonderful teaching staff!.
Love the separate rooms in the nursery. Enjoy making memories! A huge asset to the children.
Brilliant school, very impressed. Best wishes.
Best of luck in your fabulous new school with such great facilities and surroundings.
The new school is fabulous the children will love it and
The Nursery is gorgeous the children will not want to leave it.
Beautiful school.... great teachers!!!
Fantastic for the children and teachers.... well deserved!!!
Uncle Joseph did a great job.....Wow!!! Cant wait to get started :-)
We don't know how you organised the snow-capped mountains..... perfect.
Beautiful school. Well done!!
Beautiful building. Lovely new school.
Wonderfully breath taking.
School looks fantastic.... very exciting.
Absolutely beautiful school.
Beautiful building, bright lovely rooms.
Fantastic new school.
Beautiful and bright rooms. Excellent job :-)
Fantastic new school.
It will be brilliant for the children.
Amazing school, beautiful classrooms.
Bright, modern building and it will be a great school..... brilliant staff too.
Stunning school....... fantastic staff!!
Stunning views.... fantastic classrooms.
Amazing, very good...... love it!!!
Great Job, very impressed....
Amazing!!! Very modern, amazing views...... Love it!!!
Our children are so lucky to have such a wonderful facility.
Absolutely amazing!!!
Very excited to be starting in our new school.
Well worth the wait,,,,
Good luck to all!!!
My girls are very happy after looking around the new school.
Both Anna and James love the new school.
My son is very happy with his new school building.
Fantastic future for the children.
Amazing new building for the children.
School is stunning, bright, warm and welcoming.
So happy for my children :-)
Beautiful School.
Beautiful School
The school is fabulous, so happy for my girls.
Beautiful school, much deserved. Wishing everyone many happy years ahead.
Beautiful colours love it!.
Gorgeous new school with a fabulous view. A very exciting time for teachers and pupils.
Many congratulations to all involved.
Very nice classroom, beautiful view.
Super Building. It's going to be a fantastic school for all the boys and girls.
Fabulous! Credit to everyone!.
I am very excited about my new classroom with my teacher Miss Duffy and my friends.
Beautiful colours love it!.
Very nice school.
Very impressed with new school, very bright and airy.
All the best to pupils and staff.
Great school
Fab school area outside and great facilities inside.
Fantastic school..... very nice.
Very happy with our tour and everything looks great.
Very nice!!!
"Lovely to see inside the new school and it looks very nice"
Lovely, just great... very exciting times!!
"Lovely to get to see the new school. It looks brilliant and can't wait for the children to explore and get to know it all!"
I went to the viewing of the new school on Thursday 3rd March and I absolutely loved it. Thanks to all who made it happen.
I was lucky enough to attend both the new nursery and the new school yesterday and today. To say that I was impressed would be an understatement! It was obvious from what I saw on the tour every need and beyond for our children was catered for. I have nothing but the highest praise for everyone involved, from planners to builders and especially all the staff whose commitment and dedication is an example to all. Well done and Good Luck!!
Just been to the new building today! It's absolutely fabulous. Paschal and Paul óg are so excited! Good luck to all the staff and pupils!!
Dear children, the photos and recordings of your Christmas plays are absolutely gorgeous.
Well done and thank you!
I think our new building looks better every day, so I would just like to say a big thank you to all the builders that are working hard to make our new building a lovely school for us. THANK YOU
To the p6 pupils who worked on the book editing project, this looked like a really interesting piece of work. Well done!!!!!!!
The Primary six classes went for an educational trip to Kilbroney Forest Park. We had an amazing trip. It was so much fun we didn't realise we were learning. Thank you Mrs Monahan, Mrs. Donnelly, Miss. McCoy and Everyone else who set up our Trip... Oh wait I can't forget Danielle Begley Newry And Mourne's Environmental Officer.
Well done P5's and Mrs O' Shea's class on your Christmas play, it was brilliant
I can't wait for our new school
I just loved our class trip to kilboney Park yesterday thank you so much Miss Mc Coy and Mrs Donnelly for taking us there .
It was the best trip EVER
We had a wonderful trip. It was a brilliant day for everybody because we learnt so much about trees and leaves. It was great fun when we were allowed to throw the leaves up into the air.....
We had a really good time at Killborney Park. We collected leaves and we looked at different trees.
The St. Clare’s Abbey Choir were fantastic at our Christmas Fayre yesterday. They were a credit to St. Clare’s Abbey, Miss Mallon and Mrs Finnegan who had them very well rehearsed and their Christmas hats, santa beard and elf ears were a big hit too. Thank you Declan Murray Principal St Joseph's High School.
I would like to thank the music teacher and all the lovely boys & girls of St Clare’s Abbey who sang so beautifully at our Christmas Fayre yesterday. Your support is greatly appreciated. .
Best wishes Pauline Centre Booking Office
Class of '71-78, great evening at the open day tour , precious memories brought back into focus , loved it, thank you xx
I left St Clare's Abbey in June but I love to look at the website to see how everyone's doing.
Good luck with the new school building, wish I could be there too!!!
I'm a past pupil of Saint Clare's Primary School (1991-1998). I have so many fond memories there and I'm very disappointed that I will not get to visit the old convent building in November due to my work commitments (I live and work in Switzerland).
I hope that there will be lots of pictures taken and published somewhere so I can see the school from afar!
All the best of luck to staff and pupils of the new school!
Thank you to all the girls and boys who entered the Hallowe'en Literacy competition. Mrs Cribbin and I loved reading your spooky poems and scary stories. Well done to all the winners. It was a VERY difficult competition to judge. We are looking forward to the Christmas competition and are so proud of the high standards in St. Clare's Abbey. Keep your ears open for the next competition!
I had a great time in this school. I started in P.1,now I am in first year in High school. Whoever reads this remember that time runs faster than blink of an eye, so enjoy the school as long as you can. Can't wait to visit this wonderful school!!!!!!!!!!!
To the gruesome ghosts and ghouls who visited St Clare's Abbey today, your costumes were fabulous and I can see from your many photographs that you had a wonderful day and enjoyed your healthy Halloween treats. Thank you to all the staff for giving you such a lovely day. Enjoy your holidays
I am enjoying my new school St Clare's Abbey.
My teacher Mrs Doherty is fun and clever. Everyone has been so nice to me. Thank You
Hi I am a past pupil.
I love my new class and can't wait to the new school.
I'm so excited to be at school.
I like Mrs Doherty's class too.
I have had a lovely month at school.
I have enjoyed my first month in Mrs Doherty's class as a St Clare's Abbey pupil.
Dear boys and girls, haven't we had a wonderful September?
I love all your photographs, they show me how hard you have been working from the fabulous P7 pupils right down to the P1 pupils who are settling into St Clare's Abbey so happily.
I only started this school not long ago but I'm really excited to go back to school with all my friends and teachers. And you said happy birthday to me!! Thank you!!
It has been a Wonderful 6 Years In 'St Clare's Convent Primary School.' Although now we are 'St Clare's Abbey.' I came to the school in Primary Two. I've made lots of New Friends and learned a lot throughout Primary School. Thank You Very Much To All The Staff And School Community For Supporting Me Throughout My Primary School Life. I Would Also Like To Say A Special Thank You to the Principal, 'Mrs Monaghan,' For The Lovely Card I Got In The Post! Thank You, Debbie.
I have really enjoyed my 7 years in the Abbey,now the time has come to leaveðŸ˜! Good luck in the new school!!!!
Can't believe I'm leaving this school, I loved it so much over the 7 years, thanks to all the teachers who helped me along the way. Can't wait to see the new school!
I can't believe I am leaving school it feels like it was only yesterday I started in primary 1. Good luck in the new school.
I had a great day today at Wallace Park, Lisburn Swimming Pool and Pizza Hut for our last primary 7 school trip. The class seemed to have a blast! Thanks to Mrs Donnelly, Mrs McCartan, Mrs Gray and our bus driver.
I can't wait to Monday for our class trip.
Hi I love school I cant wait till I am in p5
To all the Primary 1 boys and girls. We hope you enjoyed your school trip to Slieve Gullion-'The Giant's Lair'- you were all so well-behaved and were a credit to our school! We hope you had a truly magical time!
Congratulations to the P4s on making their first Holy Communion. I want to express my praise to Mr Henry on how well all the boys did. They were a credit to their parents and Mr Henry also.
Thank you Eco Council for all your hard work. It is wonderful to have our first green flag for our new school. PS Congratulations girls on the 'eco rap'- I love it!!!!!
To all in Miss O'Shea's class, I loved the video showing all your lovely Spring and Easter work. You are wonderful!
Congratulations To All Of The Primary 4's Who Have Come Closer To God By Making Their First Holy Communion! ~ Your Style Was Beautiful On The Day! ~ Also, You Were So Reverent And Holy! ~ 👰ðŸ½
I would like to say what a beautiful ceremony it was on Saturday for the schools Holy Communion. Everyone looked gorgeous.I hope you all had a lovely day.
The P1 pupils in St Clare's Abbey have had such an exciting term, I loved all the photographs of your play, the movement group and your super tea party. You are lucky ducks!!!!!!!!
To all our Eco warriors, thank you for all the effort you have invested into making our school look so well. St Francis, one of our founders,who adored nature, will be so impressed that you are continuing with his good work as caretakers of the earth.
Just want to wish St Clare's Abbey so much luck in their new school, I wish I was back in P1 starting all over again!! I miss all the teachers and the dinners!! I hope some day I can come back and visit. Thank you for the great memories that will last a life time and I shall take them on my life's journey x
Thank you to the P7 boys and girls who represented us so impressively at the recent Blessed Edmund Rice Awards ceremony. Mr Sweeney and Mrs Donnelly said that you were fabulous!
Congratulations to all our sporting heroes, I heard that you represented St Clare's Abbey so well !! Mr Digney is very proud as are we all.
Haven't the Nursery pupils been having a wonderful time? Mrs Bennett has organised so many lovely visitors, it was lovely to see all the gorgeous photographs. Thank you.
Congratulations to all the pupils who participated in the feis and represented St Clare's Abbey so well. You are great ambassadors for our school.
Well done to Primary 7 for their hard work in the approach to the feis. I was so so proud of each and every one of you.
The aerial view is fabulous!
The Building Progress Looks Great! It's Going To Be A Big School! ðŸ«
Hi everyone, just looked through the new website and love it !!!
Can't wait to see the new building I'm sure it will lead to many happy times and events ahead.
Well done to all the boys and girls who are continuing to use Lexia core 5 at home and at school. Lexia is such a fabulous resource for helping children to secure their knowledge of many literacy concepts.
Keep up the hard work!
Congratulations To All The Primary 7 Girls Who Have Been Confirmed.
The Reason Why I Have Published This So Late After, Is Because My Computer Had A Virus.
Thank You! :)
Caolan, I love your story about the lost kitten, thank you for sharing it with us. I think that he will continue to visit your class for a very long time.
I really like this website because there are photos of every new event that is happening in st.Clare's Abbey.
Congratulations to Louis Lambe (P6) who was selected to play at half time in the recent Down v Galway NFL match. A Down player in the making, well done Louis.
Thank you Miss O Shea and all the wonderful pupils in your class, for sharing your beautiful photographs with us on our website. i can see that you are great friends and adore school. You are GREAT!!
I love the Nursery section of the website. Everyone in Mrs Bennett's morning and afternoon sessions seem to really LOVE school. Lucky you!!
Good Luck To 'Caitlin McParland' and 'Caela O'Hanlon.' (Gymnastic Competition)
I love this website it's cool and I love learning in our school.
I love looking at all the photos and videos on this site.😄
We love the new website for St Clare's Abbey and can't wait to see your new building. We miss everyone from St Clare's but love The Sacred Heart Grammar.
I love looking at our new website. It is nice getting to know the boys a little bit more every Thursday.
I like my school and I like the project work that we do with the girls. I also like Mrs Tierney my teacher.
Our Primary 1 class are really enjoying looking at the school website each week.
The boys really like the 'new' school uniform and were so excited to be able to view the new school building in progress.
Exciting times ahead!
love the new uniform because it is blue. I just love blue so much. It is good the way the boys and the girls are joinning up. I am very happy in school.
My favourite subjects are literacy and numeracy. I love my school.
I love looking at the school videos and photographs:-)
The new school uniform is CLASS
I love the new uniform.
Love the look of the new uniform! I like option B better
I really like looking at the photos and videos that have been uploaded. Thank you.
I loved watching the plays online since I didnt get to see most of them in school! 😄
Dear children, I have had a lovely time watching the recordings of your Christmas plays. You are so talented and worked very hard. Thanks also to your teachers and classroom assistants for all their hard work. We certainly know how to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in St Clare's Abbey. Well done to you all.
To all the children and staff of St. Clare's Abbey, I wish you all the best for the road forward. It must be so exciting to be participating in this historical event. I am enjoying browsing your very informative website. Good luck for 2015/16.
Happy new year
I have just spent this evening looking at our new website. It is fantastic! This term looks to have been very busy but very enjoyable! Well done to everyone involved! I am looking forward to coming back to work with everyone in St. Clare's Abbey!
A Happy Christmas to you all!
What a wonderful start to our new school! It has been a busy term but we, as members of St. Clare's Abbey staff, are very privileged to be working with lovely colleagues and super pupils. Well done to everyone involved!
Very much looking forward to dropping my son and daughter to this wonderful new school.
Very nice to see the new school in progress it is very exciting.
So excited looking at our new website and looking forward to an amazing year ahead.
To all the boys and girls in St Clare's Abbey, I have just had a lovely time looking at all your work on the website. You have had a great time this term, getting to know each other and your new teachers and classroom assistants. You have shown that St Clare's Abbey is going to be a very happy school in which everyone really loves learning.
Well done to you all. I am very proud!!!!!!!
I attended the 'cutting of the sod' today and I want to congratulate everyone involved. All the pupils were very well behaved and looked wonderful in their school uniforms. The children who greeted us on arrival, those who presented the medals for placing in the foundations, the members of the choir and the children who demonstrated the new web site all played their part to perfection.
St Clares Abbey has got off to an exceptional start
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175