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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2016/2017 School Year

30th Sep 2016
Our local PSNI came to school to speak to P6 and P7 pupils about Bullying. They...
29th Sep 2016
We have been very busy this month in Primary 2!  
26th Sep 2016
  A Coffee/Information morning to introduce parents to the FAST programme...
23rd Sep 2016
The Priests of Newry Parish warmly invite the parents and families of all children...
23rd Sep 2016
Saturday 1st October 2016 Newtownhamilton to Lissummon Contact ...
23rd Sep 2016
We have had a very busy month of September! Miss Mallon's class have been great...
22nd Sep 2016
With the departure of last years P7 pupil's we have openings for new Digital Leaders....
20th Sep 2016
We have been learning about Ancient Egypt in Primary Five. Using maps and atlases,...
20th Sep 2016
In September we have started to learn about the Ancient Egyptians. We have used...
20th Sep 2016
We are learning about the number 16. We have made lots of sets.