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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2016/2017 School Year

21st Nov 2016
As part of our topic on Ancient Egypt, we 'mummified' some tomatoes. 
15th Nov 2016
We are having a wonderful time at FAST this year . It is a very special programme....
11th Nov 2016
We are very  pleased to announce the date for the opening and rededication...
11th Nov 2016
  Today the Primary one children made a voluntary donation to Newry...
10th Nov 2016
Pope Francis decreed that the Holy Year of Mercy would conclude on 20th November...
10th Nov 2016
Loving God, We place in your loving hands all our loved ones who have died....
10th Nov 2016
Newry Hospice have asked us to hold a non uniform "Dress-Down Day" on Friday 11th...
10th Nov 2016
Each month, as part of Primary 4 preparation for Holy Communion, the Primary 4...
10th Nov 2016
Today in assembly the new P5 Digital Leaders were presented with their certificates...
8th Nov 2016
During the month of October we have been learning lots of new things. In numeracy...