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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2018/2019 School Year

6th Oct 2018
  On Thursday 27th September Primary 3 had lots of fun taking part in the Big...
5th Oct 2018
What a great first month we have had in Primary 2 – the children have settled...
5th Oct 2018
  Saturday  13 October 2018  Canal Court Hotel Newry
3rd Oct 2018
    Presented by the World Federation of Mental Health, World Mental Health...
1st Oct 2018
Dyslexia Awareness Week will run from 1 - 7 October 2018, with World Dyslexia Awareness...
1st Oct 2018
  The boys and girls in P.2 had so much fun at The Big Work-Out day! We did...
1st Oct 2018
What a wonderful start to the new academic year! The boys and girls have settled...
30th Sep 2018
  y’s class have enjoyed a great start to P5 and have settled in fantastically. We...