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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

News - P5

2017/2018 School Year

17th Nov 2017
In P5 this week we carried out an activity called 'Can You Carry This?'. Firstly,...
9th Nov 2017
Egyptians Such a busy week of fun filled World Around Us lessons. This week we had...
8th Nov 2017
P5 were fortunate to have members of the fire service come and talk to them about...
3rd Nov 2017
In Primary 5 we have all individually completed our Literacy and Numeracy targets....
2nd Nov 2017
P5 enjoyed a scary dress up day along with some delicious fruit snacks. Thank you...
27th Oct 2017
Such a delicious, spooky and brilliant day we all had today. The spooky fruit was...
26th Oct 2017
We all have been very busy creating our spooky poems. We enjoyed using alliteration,...
26th Oct 2017
  Exploring Minecraft and using Spark Video App. Super fun!
24th Oct 2017
  Primary five have been getting in the mood for Halloween this week by writing...