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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

News - P6

2016/2017 School Year

25th Feb 2017
Every morning in Miss McCoy's class we start our day by practising our Maths on ALTA...
25th Feb 2017
We know that division is the inverse of multiplication, so we can use our times tables...
25th Feb 2017
As part of our World Around Us topic of 'The Vikings', we went to the museum to see...
13th Feb 2017
Quick mental maths skills ensured success in this great game!
3rd Feb 2017
Mrs Donnelly's Primary 6 class worked on a rap to help them remember how to correctly...
1st Feb 2017
Mrs Donnelly's Primary 6 class enjoyed learning about St. Brigid. They made a great...
14th Dec 2016
Miss McCoy and Mrs Donnelly took their classes to Kilbroney Forest Park as part of...

2015/2016 School Year

23rd Jun 2016
Declan Carville (local author) came to visit primary six to tell us about...
27th May 2016
The Primary 6 children visited Newry Library this week for a storytelling session...