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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2017/2018 School Year

21st Sep 2017
  Today is the International Day of Peace. Let's do whatever we...

2016/2017 School Year

1st Mar 2017
Lent Lent is the forty days leading up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday...
30th Jan 2017
  A Prayer for our school   Loving God, we know that you...
22nd Dec 2016
 May God Bless by Louis Rock Let us remember Mary this Christmas ...
19th Dec 2016
Sunday 18th December marked a very important occasion in the history of Newry...
25th Nov 2016
  Advent marks the start of the Christian year. It is the four weeks...
10th Nov 2016
Loving God, We place in your loving hands all our loved ones who have died....
10th Nov 2016
Each month, as part of Primary 4 preparation for Holy Communion, the Primary 4...
4th Oct 2016
  St Francis and the birds   When Francis preached love to the...
4th Sep 2016
  Mother Teresa was made a saint by Pope Francis today Sunday 4th September...