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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

News - The Bloom Room

3rd Jun 2024
The boys invited a friend from their base class down to The Bloom Room for an afternoon...
3rd Jun 2024
Parents of The Bloom Room pupils came for a coffee morning. We discussed the 5 steps...
29th May 2024
The Bloom Room This past week the children focused on the 'Connect' step of our...
8th May 2024
We are growing our own tomato plants from the seeds. We hope to take them home when...
18th Dec 2023
In March we planted tomato seeds in the school poly tunnel. We had been looking after...
18th Dec 2023
18th Dec 2023
The Bloom Room
18th Dec 2023
24th Nov 2023
We have been busy baking this term. We have enjoyed exploring lots of different recipes...
18th Nov 2023
We enjoy a regular motor sensory circuit and love doing lots of different exercises.