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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Fundraising Donation to ‘Down Right Brilliant'.

29th May 2024


The school council and Caoimhe proudly presented a cheque for £1000 to Emer and  Caroline, representatives for  'Down Right Brilliant', which was one of our charities this year.

 At the beginning of the year Emer and Caroline  made a presentation to us outlining the wonderful work that they do in Down Right Brilliant and our council members were deeply impressed. They worked hard to raise such a great donation and the ladies assured us that it would be put to good use to meet many of the costs associated with this year's summer school.

We were delighted to support this charity in 2023/24 as this is Caoimhe's final year with us in St Clare's Abbey and she enjoys being a member of Down Right Brilliant- so all in all we were very pleased with ourselves.

The School Council wish to express their gratitude to all of you who support our fundraising efforts.