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St Clare๏ฟฝs Abbey Primary School, Newry

Dyslexia Presentation from two of our P7 pupils

24th May 2024

This afternoon all in our KS2 assembly listened attentively to a most inspirational and moving presentation by two of our Primary 7 pupils. The two boys spoke individually about Dyslexia, what it looks like and what it feels like to them. You could have heard a pin drop as all of our senior pupils discovered more about dyslexia. The boys spoke about learning to read and spell and how in our school they really enjoyed using Nessy and reading specific dyslexia friendly books. Both children spoke of how their learning journey has been challenging at times but they never gave up and are two of the most hard working pupils in our school. They also answered questions from fellow pupils and gave very measured and informative answers. As they both move on to post primary we are very proud of them and are extremely confident that they will continue to work hard and wish them both continued success.

Many thanks to both boys parents for attending our assembly. A proud moment for all involved. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ