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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

February in Miss Savage’s P1

28th Feb 2025

February has been a busy and exciting month for us. We got to show off all the amazing learning and play that goes on in our primary one class to some very special visitors. They were really impressed by how engaged our boys and girls were in their play based learning and also in our classroom work and learning.

In numeracy this month we have been looking at time and discussing just how important time is in our day to day routine. We used our clocks to tell o’clock times and matched these to show what happens in our school such as, 12 o’clock means lunchtime and 2 o’clock means home-time (these are considered two of the most important times of the day in our classroom everyday). We worked on our mental maths skills looking at finding numbers that come before and after within 10 and at making sets and subsets of different amounts within 10.

In our literacy we continue to meet new sounds and have been trying to use our known sounds to begin segmenting and blending with them to create and read words. We are working hard with our High Frequency Words in the mornings and have began to use these in our writing. We adored the Gruffalo story and made our own ‘books’. 

For our play based learning this month we spent time in the quarry, digging and figuring out how we could make water flow from one pool to the next by digging trenches or tunnels to connect. We also spent time in the park and did lots of painting in the creative classroom.

We wore red to mark Valentine’s Day and support our school council’s fundraising efforts. Then enjoyed a well deserved half term break and when we returned we were treated to a popcorn and movie afternoon for all the hardworking and amazing manners we had shown to our visitors.

Well done Primary One! 😊👏