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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2018/2019 School Year

7th Mar 2019
At St Clare's Abbey the Primary 4s who are learning the cello have been working...
7th Mar 2019
We all dressed up for World Book Day today. We all dressed up in to our favourite...
7th Mar 2019
Miss Duffy gave us blessed ashes on our foreheads to start Lent in our school because...
7th Mar 2019
We all tried crepes today because it was Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday. We added...
7th Mar 2019
We have had a lot of fun working out Numeracy problems through practical activities...
7th Mar 2019
Four of our Primary 6 pupils travelled to the Abbey Grammar School on Friday 1st...
1st Mar 2019
Things have been busy as always in Miss Friel’s Class this February! We have...