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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2016/2017 School Year

10th Nov 2016
Each month, as part of Primary 4 preparation for Holy Communion, the Primary 4...
10th Nov 2016
Today in assembly the new P5 Digital Leaders were presented with their certificates...
8th Nov 2016
During the month of October we have been learning lots of new things. In numeracy...
8th Nov 2016
We have really enjoyed learning more about our World Around Us topic Space. ...
4th Nov 2016
The Bishop, the Dominican Fathers and the Priests of the Parish will concelebrate...
29th Oct 2016
In September and October we have been learning about Transport.  We found out...
28th Oct 2016
Today Mr Digney's P5 were invaded by ghosts, ghouls and all manner of horrible...
27th Oct 2016
  The Primary one pupils went on their first school outing to Bagenal's...
25th Oct 2016
This month P5 have been busy and working hard in all areas of the curriculum. We...