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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2022/2023 School Year

7th Feb 2023
To mark Safer Internet Day, 7th February, the Education Authority (EA) has launched...
7th Feb 2023
Mrs Mc Parland’s class explain what they they like and dislike about being...
7th Feb 2023
Mr Clarke’s class.
6th Feb 2023
Can you name all of the different types of animals from the recordings?
3rd Feb 2023
  Thursday 2 March is World Book Day. Children may come to school...
3rd Feb 2023
  Congratulations to our Mathletics Gold Certificate Winners for January. ...
3rd Feb 2023
  Very few facts are known about St. Blaise. It is believed he was a bishop...
2nd Feb 2023
Well done to our fantastic Primary 7 ambassadors for attending the annual Catholic...