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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

May in Mrs Mc Parland’s Class

3rd Jun 2024

We really enjoyed the story of The Lion and The Mouse and wrote wonderful sentences to finish off the ‘l’ sound. Our next sounds were ‘x’, ‘w’ and ‘z’. The story ‘Whatever Next’ sparked great class discussion on what and who we would bring to the moon, then we wrote independent sentences.

We potted-on our pinto bean shoots and took them home. Primary 7 helped us plant tomato seeds and we learned about ‘Staying Safe on the Farm’. 

In the Mud Kitchen and Quarry we have been making observations and predictions, we have also been exploring cause and effect

We have been experimenting by adding liquids and natural materials to mud, thus changing the consistency. We also manipulated the mud into different shapes.

In the Quarry we explored how we can use sand to stabilise a structure. There was lots of conversation when we were deciding what to do to make the ‘pipe steady’. We worked quietly as a team.

We were introduced to “Bee-Bot” and had lots of fun programming instructions.

In Numeracy we worked on number 15 and Number Bonds to 10.

On Thursday 23 May Primary one and two went to the school forest to honour Mary, Our Mother. We sang and prayed to Mary.  

On Friday 31 May we went on a sponsored walk to Kilmorey Park.

We hope you enjoy our May photographs and videos.


We Love Mud


Enjoying our morning break!