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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Pope Francis' Invitation to join us in Prayer on 31st MaY

25th May 2023

Pope Francis has continually encouraged everyone to pray for the Synod, which has been an ongoing listening process around the world over the last 18 months or so. However, on Wednesday, 31st May (the feast of the Visitation and the last day of the Marian month of May) the Holy Father is inviting everyone to seek the interceding presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for and protect the work of the Synod when the first official gathering takes place this October for Mary is ‘Mother of the Church’ (Mater Ecclesiae); mother of all those who are companions and disciples of her Son.

A national day of prayer has been organised on 31st May at our national Shrine at Knock. As this is a school day, we have prepared two prayer resources so children in Catholic primary schools can join us from their own classrooms.

The first resource is for older classes which includes the Angelus, hymns, a reading from the Gospel of Luke about the Visitation, and a decade of the rosary. The second resource is for younger classes and includes hymns and a Hail Mary.

Regardless of where you are on the day, we invite you and the children of your school to be part of this uplifting celebration.