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November in Mrs Davey/Mrs McGoldrick’s class
All the children came back to our class after the Halloween break well rested and ready to learn. We have been busy with our literacy and numeracy work. In literacy we have been learning the sounds i, n and m. The children have been doing lots of fun, multi-sensory activities such as writing the sound in porridge oats and using chalk outside. We play lots of games to listen to the sounds and find them on our page. We have also begun our blending journey. This is how we join our sounds together to build words. We have been working really hard with this. We have also started learning our High Frequency Words.
The boys and girls have started homework and reading also. We are so happy with how well everyone has been completing their home learning. It has been a lot of ‘new things’ for Primary 1 but all the boys and girls have done super well with these new things.
In numeracy we have continued to learn our numbers to 10. We are now at number 6 and continue to count forwards and backwards to and from 10. We have also been learning about shapes and their properties as well as length. We can use the language associated with this such as ‘longer than, shorter than, short, long’ etc.
November is a very special month in the Religious calendar when we remember the people that we know that have gone to heaven. We remembered them in special way on our tree of remembrance.
Play is always a favourite part of our P1 day and we continue to improve our thinking skills and problem solving capabilities. Well done boys and girls.
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175