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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

November in Miss Savage’s Class

30th Nov 2024


We returned to school on Monday 4 November and remembered those who have died. Miss Savage helped us write the names of our deceased family members on leaves. After we decorated the leaves Miss O’Hanlon placed them on the Remembrance Tree in the foyer. We also made candles for all the deceased and prayed for them every morning.

At assembly each Friday in November we sang the song, ‘Remember, remember those who’ve died.’

Our fist sound this month was the ‘i’ followed by ‘n’ and ‘m.’ We enjoyed the stories, “Handa’s Surprise” “No Lunchbox”  “Tin Man Tim” and “Monty at the Party”.

We have been blending sounds we know to make words.  We must remember to, say each sound and then, put the sounds together. 

We have started to learn High Frequency Words. High frequency words are words we read by ‘sight’. We don’t sound these out. We can sequence a story using pictures and have worked on ordering sentences, trying to remember that a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.

In numeracy we have worked on numbers, 4, 5 & 6, completed patterns and focused on mathematical language relating to 2 D shapes, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, sides and made sets for numbers. 

Anti - Bullying Week this year was 11 - 15 November and the theme was ‘Respect’. We coloured posters for our school council’s Anti - Bullying competition. Congratulations to the young man in our class who received a prize.

During play based learning we have worked individually and collaboratively to construct wonderful models outside. In the creative classroom we were introduced to ‘weaving’ and have shown ourselves to be proficient model makers when using ‘waste materials’ for joining and connecting.

The November weather was kind to us and we were able to enjoy our outside play and experience the wonder of the morning fog and walking on the frosty grass.
 The grass was crunchy.”   “It looked silver.”

The fog generated lots of conversation about what we couldn’t see.

The Book Fair provided an opportunity for us to enjoy a story together away from our classroom.

On Friday 29 November we came to school in our pajamas to help St Clare’s Abbey School Council raise money for charity. 

We urge parents and family members to go through the  photographs below. You will be amazed at how the children have matured during November, at  how busy their Primary 1 day is and how happy they are in school.