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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

October in Mrs Tierney's Class

23rd Oct 2017


In October we began focusing on Instructional texts during our literacy lessons. This was very interesting as we learnt how to write a list of instructions for board games including snakes and ladders. We also wrote a list of instructions for a new game called Race Tracks and after constructing our instructions we got to play this game.

During numeracy we looked at how to measure capacity of different liquids and the area of our playground using cubes

We had a special visitor Sr Rosemary, who was very kind to take time out of her busy schedule to come and bless our school bags and lunch boxes. We then thanked Sr Rosemary and sang her a lovely song. This month we had the opportunity to make paper aeroplanes during our World Around Us lessons and tested these to see which aeroplane would travel the furthest. A very memorable lesson for all the children!