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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2023/2024 School Year

5th Jan 2024
  St Clare’s Abbey pupils performed in the Nativity Tableau at the...
3rd Jan 2024
  Thanks to all of you who kindly donated poinsettias for the Cathedral....
22nd Dec 2023
A beautiful and poignant reflection for Christmas from Archbishop Eamon. ...
21st Dec 2023
We have had such fun preparing for Christmas and even had a special visit from...
21st Dec 2023
It has been another busy half term for the children in Primary 2. We have had...
20th Dec 2023
December has been a very busy month in P1. At the start of December we decorated...
20th Dec 2023
Miss Mc Coy, a member of our Senior Leadership  Team made a presentation...