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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2019/2020 School Year

10th Feb 2020
  Safer Internet Day aims to inspire conversation about using technology...
10th Feb 2020
Have a look at our photographs to see what we’ve been getting up to this month...
4th Feb 2020
  World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise...
3rd Feb 2020
Our planet Earth is heating and we cannot ignore this fact anymore. Some people...
3rd Feb 2020
Each year around 25,000 school children in Ireland go to battle in the Credit Union...
30th Jan 2020
  Catholic Schools’ Week began on Sunday 26 January 2020, the theme...
29th Jan 2020
It is the beginning of a new decade and we have some ideas for staying safe online...
28th Jan 2020
What a busy month January was and everyone has made a great start to 2020!...