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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2019/2020 School Year

7th Oct 2019
We’ve been very busy in Primary 4 this month. Everyone has settled in very...
7th Oct 2019
  Pope Francis has asked all Catholics to pray the Rosary daily during the...
4th Oct 2019
3rd Oct 2019
We are holding a series of Parenting Programmes designed to support parents in...
1st Oct 2019
  Everyone in St Clare's Abbey is extremely proud of one of our pupils who...
1st Oct 2019
Article 3 All adults should do what is best for you. When adults make...
1st Oct 2019
  Going for Gold in 2020   During this academic year 2019-2020,...
29th Sep 2019
  Welcome to Mrs McKeown's / Mrs McGoldrick's September Class News. ...
28th Sep 2019
  Our Galaxy Coaching Fundraising Event was a brilliant success. Thank you...
27th Sep 2019
  Primary 2 had great fun today on their sponsored "Big Workout". Thank...