Access Keys:

St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2021/2022 School Year

4th Oct 2021
St Francis  is a very special saint for our school as he was St Clare’s...
1st Oct 2021
Breathing and relaxing in nature.   It was cold but we were having...
29th Sep 2021
We were making nests for birds. We decided whether we would have them in branches...
29th Sep 2021
When we play together in P3 we always share.
16th Sep 2021
We talked about our 5 Forest rules and off we went to explore. We drew pictures...
6th Sep 2021
  Today (Monday 6 September) is the launch of this year’s HSC mental...
2nd Sep 2021
Climate Craic is an up and coming project created through a program held by Co-operation...
2nd Sep 2021
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