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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Rain Clouds

13th Jun 2024

The P3 children turned into scientists for the morning to investigate how rain is formed. Prior to the experiment, the children watched an information video to help them, understand a little bit more about how the rain is formed. They also shared their existing knowledge of this.

We set up an investigation table at the front of the class and gathered the children in a line at the front of the room. We briefly discussed the process of the experiment, explaining that we were first going to place shaving foam on the top of the jug of water to represent the clouds , before slowly adding drops of blue food colouring onto the top of the clouds. The children made their predictions and recorded them in their books. Following the predictions, we commenced our experiment, with two lucky children assisting the teacher. They put the shaving foam onto the top before the teacher slowly added the blue colouring . The children watched in awe and amazement at how the clouds burst and the food colouring  permeated through , falling as ‘rain’. To quote one of our pupils, “ the food colouring broke the clouds and fell down like rain.”.
After the experiment the children recorded their results , writing a simple sentence and drawing a picture to illustrate.

What a fun and exciting investigation, well done  P3!