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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2017/2018 School Year

2nd May 2018
Well done to these girls for performing 'White Cat in the Moonlight' by Douglas...
2nd May 2018
  On Thursday 26th April the Primary one year group led our school assembly....
1st May 2018
The Memorare   Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary, That...
30th Apr 2018
Some of our P7 pupils were very lucky to be invited to take part in a 5 week coding...
30th Apr 2018
  I am a mother of a Primary five pupil in St Clare's Abbey. I have spoken...
30th Apr 2018
It is hard to believe that April is now over and we have only two more months together...
30th Apr 2018
  One of the key reasons we, at St Clare's Abbey, love entering Newry Feis...
30th Apr 2018
  Does Ireland have the best climate. We live in The Temperate Zone. At...