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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2017/2018 School Year

23rd Nov 2017
November has seen P5 working hard once again. We have explored the wonderful world...
23rd Nov 2017
  Newry Gateway Club Christmas Fayre will take place on Sunday 3rd December...
21st Nov 2017
For the past eight weeks, boys and girls from P2-5 have been enjoying learning to...
19th Nov 2017
  Sunday 26th November, 2.30PM Location: The Ramparts, Warrenpoint...
18th Nov 2017
P5 have been looking at newspaper reports as part of our Literacy study. We have...
17th Nov 2017
  This week, Primary 1 have been doing lots of work to celebrate "Anti-Bullying...
17th Nov 2017
In P5 this week we carried out an activity called 'Can You Carry This?'. Firstly,...
17th Nov 2017
November has been very busy so far. We finished our Space topic and participated...
17th Nov 2017
This week, schools across the country have been taking part in Anti-Bullying week....
15th Nov 2017
  St Clare's Abbey has now embarked on a new project and is aiming...