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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2021/2022 School Year

23rd Feb 2022
We have been busy this term in Literacy. We tasted pancakes to help us write poems...
23rd Feb 2022
We go to the forest every week. We have helped keep our forest area tidy by picking...
23rd Feb 2022
  We have been working hard in Numeracy this term. We have been working...
22nd Feb 2022
  SINGLE USE PLASTICS Dear Parents / Carers As part of the school’s...
21st Feb 2022
21st Feb 2022
20th Feb 2022
Our Primary 1 pupils were very excited this month to plant some spring bulbs in...
20th Feb 2022
The children enjoyed wearing red for our Valentine’s charity day. ...
19th Feb 2022
  On Friday 11th February we celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes,...