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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Wonderful Day For Our ECO Council

21st Jun 2024


This week members of our Eco-Council travelled to Stranmillis University College Belfast to join the Eco-schools 30th Anniversary. During the celebration we were presented with our fifth green flag.

We were also presented with the Eco Schools Ambassador Award. We are now one of only 34 ambassador schools. In receiving this award we are recognised as an inspirational flagship Eco school with exceptional levels of pupil leadership and whole school support.

We are acknowledged for having sustainability embedded throughout our whole school ethos. We now accept our role as a support for other schools on their green flag journey. We are very proud of this achievement and for the hard work our pupils and staff have carried out over a number of years in order to be recognised as an ambassador school.

During our visit to Stranmillis we spent the afternoon in their beautiful gardens and woods learning about their wonderful biodiversity.

It was such a great day and a very proud one for our schoo