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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2018/2019 School Year

5th Apr 2019
As part of our work on Fairtrade, we held a Fairtrade hot chocolate morning for the...
4th Apr 2019
There has been a lot going on in Primary 4 this month. We were baking pancakes at...
4th Apr 2019
Here we are checking if our Viking Longboats float!!!!!🤞🏻
4th Apr 2019
Thanks to Sentinus, we recently had the opportunity to make cars powered by hand...
4th Apr 2019
P5 took on the challenge of programming robots to navigate round a driving course....
2nd Apr 2019
Thank you to Nurse Eaton who came to deliver a talk on hygiene and how we can stay...
2nd Apr 2019
March has drawn to a close and we have learned and laughed once again. We have explored...