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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2017/2018 School Year

24th Oct 2017
“I have called you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1 The P1 pupils...
24th Oct 2017
  Congratulations to one of our Primary Two girls who completed her first 5km...
24th Oct 2017
  Primary five have been getting in the mood for Halloween this week by writing...
23rd Oct 2017
Another busy month has come to an end in P5 and we have enjoyed learning about a...
23rd Oct 2017
  In October we began focusing on Instructional texts during our literacy lessons....
20th Oct 2017
  Breast Cancer "wear it pink day" is one of the biggest fundraising events...
20th Oct 2017
In Miss Mc Coy's Primary 7 class we have been investigating the different type of...
20th Oct 2017
October was another busy month in our class.  In Literacy we were learning about...