Mission Statement & Aims
Mission Statement
In St. Clare’s Abbey Nursery, we are passionately committed to:
• ensuring that we provide all children with a high quality Pre-School Education, according to their individual needs, within a nurturing, secure and stimulating environment.
• enabling all children to develop their capabilities as successful learners, as confident, happy individuals and responsible, respectful inhabitants of the Earth.
Our Aims
In St Clare's Abbey Nursery Unit, we aim to:
• Provide a happy, safe and supportive environment, within which, Nursery children may learn through play.
• Support all children and parents during the "settling in" period, however long that may be.
• Maintain good communication and working relationships with all parents.
• Provide opportunities to explore and investigate the indoor and outdoor Nursery environment, to develop a positive attitude towards learning.
• Provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which allows the children to make choices and develop their learning in connection with:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Language Development
- Early Mathematical Experiences
- Physical Development
- The Arts
- The World Around Us
• Ease the transition between Nursery and Primary School, through maintaining a close working relationship with the Primary One classes in St Clare's Abbey Primary School. (Other Primary Schools, in which children may enrol, are provided with progress reports.)
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175