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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Into the woods!

7th Dec 2016

As part of our November topic ‘Into the woods’, Primary 1 pupils had many opportunities to explore the woodland area at our school.

The children had the opportunity to observe changes to the trees in Autumn, they collected leaves and wood for our role play area. The children used magnifying glasses to look closely at leaves, acorns and pine cones and used these as part of creative activities.

In class we read many stories, our favourite was ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ by Michael Rosen. 

The children brought their own favourite teddy bears in from home for ‘Show and tell’ in class. 

During lunch break the bears disappeared and the Primary 1 children had to go on a real Teddy bear hunt’ to find them. They were well prepared with binoculars and torches and a net to find them. It was so much fun! We had a teddy bears picnic around our class camp fire when we came back into school.

We have added the video of We're going on a bear hunt in our videos on this P1 website page and hope the children will enjoy it with their families at home.