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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

P1 Learning Through Play

9th Feb 2017

Doctors and Nurses busy at work.
Doctors and Nurses busy at work.
Building an ambulance station.
Building an ambulance station.
I am the pharmacist getting the prescriptions ready!
I am the pharmacist getting the prescriptions ready!
I am the receptionist at the hospital.
I am the receptionist at the hospital.
Making a get well soon card
Making a get well soon card
Our wonderful creations!
Our wonderful creations!
I am helping to take care of the Teddy.  He bumped his head.
I am helping to take care of the Teddy. He bumped his head.
The patient is having a rest. The doctor is carefully observing her.
The patient is having a rest. The doctor is carefully observing her.
This patient is feeling better and having toast for snack!
This patient is feeling better and having toast for snack!
We are caring for this baby
We are caring for this baby
I am the mummy and the nurse is helping my baby
I am the mummy and the nurse is helping my baby
We are booking appointments.
We are booking appointments.
Review of play - talking about our wonderful creations.
Review of play - talking about our wonderful creations.
We made an ambulance in the creative area.
We made an ambulance in the creative area.
We used bottle tops for wheels.
We used bottle tops for wheels.
I labelled my ambulance.
I labelled my ambulance.
We made Daisy Hill hospital.  It is nice to work together.
We made Daisy Hill hospital. It is nice to work together.
Working in the Primary One pharmacy.
Working in the Primary One pharmacy.
Working together in the Primary One hospital.
Working together in the Primary One hospital.
I am telling the receptionist what is wrong with me
I am telling the receptionist what is wrong with me
I am typing up notes for the doctor so he can help the patient
I am typing up notes for the doctor so he can help the patient
Reading in the waiting room.
Reading in the waiting room.
I am driving the ambulance.
I am driving the ambulance.
We are deciding the best route for the emergency vehicles to go
We are deciding the best route for the emergency vehicles to go
I am preparing prescriptions in the Primary One Pharmacy
I am preparing prescriptions in the Primary One Pharmacy
Do You have everything doctors?
Do You have everything doctors?
Emergency services puzzles
Emergency services puzzles