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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Miss Mallon's Class; March

6th Apr 2016

March was a busy month for Miss Mallon’s class and all of Primary 2! Have a read below and look through the pictures to see what we have been up to.


During Lent we have been making a special effort to learn about people in need. We have been busy learning lots about the work surrounding the charity “Trocaire”. The boys and girls really enjoyed learning about the families and communities helped through the work of Trocaire. Primary 2 were able to find Kenya on a globe and were excited to find out about “Daisy” a little girl from Kenya who family are receiving aid from Trocaire. Have a look at the work we did, exploring similarities and differences between the boys and girls in Newry and in Kenya!

Fair-trade fortnight

In Primary 2 Miss Mallon’s class spent time during “Fair-trade Fortnight” learning what fair-trade is all about. The boys and girls spent time thinking about where the food they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner comes from before it even reaches the supermarkets and shops. Remembering to think about the farmers who work extremely hard all around the world to produce some of our foods was something the boys and girls found very significant. They hope that more and more people will continue to buy fair-trade products to help these farmers. Primary 2 were super at finding and sorting foods that had the fair-trade symbol, and the boys and girls will look extra closely when they are helping at home with shopping!

Exploring our new school

Once we were settled into our new school, the boys and girls in Primary 2 went on a Maths trail exploring all of the new classes, resource areas and equipment. We did lots of counting, and had to use our problem solving skills quite a bit!

We also did some writing about the day when Minister O’Dowd came to visit our school and cut the ribbon. That was an exciting day and we all remembered it very well! Have a look at some pieces of our work below.

Minister O'Dowd came to cut the ribbon.
Minister O'Dowd came to cut the ribbon.
What a great day
What a great day
We all love writing in primary two.
We all love writing in primary two.
Learning about Daisy and her friends traditional dancing.
Learning about Daisy and her friends traditional dancing.
Similarities between Daisy's day and our school day
Similarities between Daisy's day and our school day
Sensible clothes for the Kenyan Climate
Sensible clothes for the Kenyan Climate
Learning about the journey of bananas
Learning about the journey of bananas
What did you have for breakfast?
What did you have for breakfast?
Where did our breakfast food come from?
Where did our breakfast food come from?
Sorting fairtrade
Sorting fairtrade
Where is the fairtrade symbol?
Where is the fairtrade symbol?
Are there enough spaces for ten cars?
Are there enough spaces for ten cars?
Can 16 people sit here?...How many tables will they need?
Can 16 people sit here?...How many tables will they need?
How many tables?
How many tables?
How many coats?
How many coats?
Counting in twos on the stairs
Counting in twos on the stairs
Recording our numeracy findings.
Recording our numeracy findings.