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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Mrs Cribbin's Class Egg Hunt

23rd Mar 2016

The Primary 1 children were delighted to discover that the Easter Bunny had been to our new school and left some extra special treats for the children in our class.

They had to follow a set of clues to find the hidden eggs.

The children worked together to read the clues and find a special treat at each point.

It was such a delight to explore our new school building both inside and out in such a fun way!

Thank you to the Easter Bunny,

From all in Primary 1.

Finding eggs inside the classroom
Finding eggs inside the classroom
Making Easter baskets
Making Easter baskets
The Easter Bunny left a message.
The Easter Bunny left a message.
Mrs Cribbin helped us read the clues. We knew some of the words.
Mrs Cribbin helped us read the clues. We knew some of the words.
We all have eggs in our baskets. That is 4 eggs.
We all have eggs in our baskets. That is 4 eggs.
Now we have 7 eggs
Now we have 7 eggs
11 eggs.
11 eggs.
We have 15 eggs now
We have 15 eggs now
We all tried to read the clues.
We all tried to read the clues.
19 eggs
19 eggs
Which way now?
Which way now?
We went back into our classroom through the main school door.
We went back into our classroom through the main school door.
The Easter Bunny left a special treat for everyone.
The Easter Bunny left a special treat for everyone.
Happy Easter from Mrs Cribbin's class.
Happy Easter from Mrs Cribbin's class.