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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

April Mrs Mc Parland’s Class

1st May 2024

After the Easter holidays our first sound was ‘j’. Mrs Mc Parland read Jack and the beanstalk, then we sequenced the story. We were very good at pretending to be the giant! (Fee fi fo fom) 

Our other sounds during April were, e, v and l. We enjoyed the stories, Elmer the Elephant and Mog at the Vet.

We have been working on adding and numbers 13 and 14. 

We went for a walk through the forest to the ECO garden to look for ‘new life’.
In the forest and outdoor construction areas we made homes for spring baby animals.

In the creative classroom we were thoroughly engaged while drawing spring flowers. We studied daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, camellia and bluebells. During all the art work sessions the classroom was peaceful except when using clay. We banged, rolled, pulled and pinched the clay to mould flowers and a tree.

Adults and children talked about the ‘heavy rain’ and ‘wind’ and the effect these have on the spring flowers. We also noticed that some flowers live longer than others. We planted Pinto Beans, some children want their beans to grow as big as Jack’s did in, Jack and the Beanstalk.

There was great excitement 12 days later on Monday 29th April when Molly noticed the beans had started to grow over the weekend.

Well done to the boys and girls from our class who took part in Newry Feis. We are very proud of you.




School Forest