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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Mrs Davey/ Mrs Trotter October

8th Nov 2016

During the month of October we have been learning lots of new things. In numeracy we have focused on teen numbers. We have counted forwards and backwards from 20 and we are getting really good at it and counting much quicker too! We filled up socks with counters and guessed the number of items in boxes. We counted together to find the answers and our guesses were very close. We have enjoyed ordering numbers. We brought our large number tiles to the hall and two teams had a race to see who could order 1 to 20 fastest. In class we made human number lines. 

In literacy we went to the St.Clares Abbey forest for a sound walk. It was lots of fun. We listened carefully and recorded all the sounds that we could hear. We even saw fairy doors in the forest! We used 'super ears' to do hot seat back in the class and made a class sound poem. We have enjoyed doing paper square work and using magnetic letters for our spellings. 

Our Halloween celebrations were so exciting and spooky. Everyone had a lovely time dressing up and eating Halloween fruit.