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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Survey for parents in Northern Ireland with a child aged between 5 and 11 years.

20th Apr 2020

PlayBoard NI, as part of the UK Play Policy Forum is working with Professor Helen Dodd from Reading University on a research project - The Northern Ireland Children's Spare Time Project.

We would be grateful for your help in reaching parents to ask them to complete a survey, most specifically parents in Northern Ireland with a child aged between 5 and 11 years.

The survey asks about how their child spends their time, their own beliefs and attitudes to children’s activities, their child’s wellbeing and their own wellbeing.

The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete with all parents who complete the survey contacted in approximately 12 months time to complete the survey again. Participants are encouraged to take part if they are willing to do so again in one year.

The first 400 people who complete the survey will be sent a £10 voucher and if they complete the follow-up questionnaire next year they will receive an additional £10 voucher at that stage.

We hope that you can help us reach as many parents as possible. I have attached a jpeg and pdf with more information and which can be shared online and with your parents.


Thanks for your help,

Maria McBride

Marketing & Communications Officer