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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

World Book Day at home for P2.

28th Feb 2018

We hope the boys and girls enjoy their unexpected day of no school due to adverse weather conditions. 

Here are some ways to spend World Book Day at home:

Snow story: why not get writing about this fabulous, freezing weather. Can they finish this sentence: snow is like a ________.


Book mark: cut a simple strip of card/ paper and let your son/daughter decorate it! Bring it to school to show their teacher on Friday!


Snow construction: can your son/ daughter get busy using lego, bricks, duplo and even old boxes! You would be surprised at what they will come up with! 


Read your favourite book: Why not pretend to be teacher, get those teddies out and read them your favourite book! Teddies love hearing stories.


Bug Club: We suggest you to let your son/daughter log onto their bug club for smart use of screen time. We, the P2 teachers, have allocated lots of books for your children to read at their level. (We encourage you monitor your son/daughter on the website as to ensure internet safety at all times.)

We look forward to hearing about how you spent WBD at home, 

P2 Team