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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Miss Rocks February Photos

25th Feb 2017

Do you like our alliteration sentences about spaghetti and pasta?
Do you like our alliteration sentences about spaghetti and pasta?
We used lots of words that started in s in our alliteration sentence.
We used lots of words that started in s in our alliteration sentence.
Read our alliteration sentences.
Read our alliteration sentences.
Read our alliteration sentences.
Read our alliteration sentences.
We tasted pancakes to help us think of words to describe pancakes for our pancake poem.
We tasted pancakes to help us think of words to describe pancakes for our pancake poem.
We enjoyed tasting pancakes and using this experience to help us with our Literacy.
We enjoyed tasting pancakes and using this experience to help us with our Literacy.
We looked, smelt and tasted our pancakes to help us write a poem about pancakes.
We looked, smelt and tasted our pancakes to help us write a poem about pancakes.
The Digital Leaders asked us some questions about Techno's eSafety rules.
The Digital Leaders asked us some questions about Techno's eSafety rules.
We are measuring the length of the table.  We think it will be 15 dice long.
We are measuring the length of the table. We think it will be 15 dice long.
My estimate and my answer.
My estimate and my answer.
We are measuring the length of the table.
We are measuring the length of the table.
We are measuring the length of the table.
We are measuring the length of the table.
Techno's eSafety certificates for participating in eSafety week.
Techno's eSafety certificates for participating in eSafety week.
We are learning about adding tens.
We are learning about adding tens.
We can use the 100 square to help us add 10.
We can use the 100 square to help us add 10.