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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

P6 Numeracy, March

18th Mar 2016

Primary 6 have been very excited by the opportunity to use their Numeracy skills linking with the new building. They took on the challenge of calculating the cost of the soft play surfacing in an effort to help Mrs Monaghan and Mr Sweeney with budgeting and funding.  Primary 6 certainly became excellent advocates of our fundraising efforts when they realised just how expensive the surfacing costs!!

  Their ‘problem solving’ had many steps:

  1. They worked in groups, deciding who was group leader, recorder, measurer, organiser etc. Mrs Donnelly and Mrs McParland looked for the children who worked best in a group.
  2. They estimated the length and width/breadth of each area by looking at it alongside a metre stick and by testing their stride in line with the stick. Some Primary 6 children could walk in 1 metre strides with no problem!!
  3. They used a trundle wheel to measure each length and width/breadth…taking turns of course!
  4. They used the formula Area=LxB to use their measurements to find the area.
  5. They used the area in metres squared to multiply by the cost per metre squared to find out how much each zone would cost to surface.
  6. They didn’t forget to add on 20% VAT at the end!!

Such a lot of Numeracy at work. Primary 6 enjoyed the challenge! Doesn’t our fantastic new building provide excellent opportunities for learning?

We recorded the measurements
We recorded the measurements
Measuring the hall so we can organise mats for assembly
Measuring the hall so we can organise mats for assembly
Using the trundle wheel
Using the trundle wheel
Testing the length of the metre ruler as a stride
Testing the length of the metre ruler as a stride
Discussing our measurements
Discussing our measurements
Deep in discussion
Deep in discussion
Deciding our group roles
Deciding our group roles